Recent content by polarweb

  1. polarweb

    1064 Error (Juser/Usergroup Element)

    Something odd and new after update. Not sure what it is but I am getting 1064's when trying to submit the form and its tied to the usergroup element. I have the usergroup element set to correct userid settings and the user id field is accessible to the user. Still no luck. 1064 - You have an...
  2. polarweb

    Having Troubles With JUser Plugin Sync

    Hmm...nope its a plain text type field. Bravo. Let me download this element plugin and see what I can do.
  3. polarweb

    Having Troubles With JUser Plugin Sync

    Here's my config settings...
  4. polarweb

    Having Troubles With JUser Plugin Sync

    I have a default user group they go into after registration and in the Fields config, i also have it set to a field I created in the Fabrik form. It seems either a: the default user group is overriding the other setting, or, it's only storing one of the usergroups they are in. I have members in...
  5. polarweb

    Having Troubles With JUser Plugin Sync

    Just looking at juser.php, looks like a lot of "FIXME's". I almost think this is bug because it's not storing multiple usergroups. Should I try to make it work better and push it to github?
  6. polarweb

    Having Troubles With JUser Plugin Sync

    I have three basic usergroups on my site. Employers (Free Access) Subscribed Employers (Paid Access) Job Seekers (Free Access) I am using an extension that allows an employer to purchase a subscription to access more content and the extension places a user into multiple groups, i.e...
  7. polarweb

    Pre-filter condition

    You would have to create fields that pull data from the _users table. How will it match up the records, if they use one email address on the registration form and an different email address on your form. The best thing to do is, use the userid. Create a field that pulls the userid when they...
  8. polarweb

    Pull Values from Details View and Reuse on New Form

    Now I can also take it a step further and add Joomla's placeholders. This makes my day. All I gotta do is add a new variable to grab some joomla information, in this case its user's email to prepopulate next form element. $applicant_email = urlencode('{$my->email}'); Call on the variable...
  9. polarweb

    Pull Values from Details View and Reuse on New Form

    V is for Victory. I got it rolling. In the eval field, set to yes, I was able to do this: $contact_email = urlencode('{contact_email_raw}'); return '<a...
  10. polarweb

    Pull Values from Details View and Reuse on New Form

    Its the URL encoding. Since an email address has an @ in it, its not going to work. It will work if lets say the email address is "" I tested this out by removing the {contact_email} placeholder and just placing this for testing: It successfully...
  11. polarweb

    Pull Values from Details View and Reuse on New Form

    Fabrik system can use placeholders in numerous areas including eval areas on most elements. It basically picks up your "placeholder tag" and then grabs the data and then outputs it. Placeholder syntax is: {tablename___elementname}. Always surrounded in brackets. Sent from my...
  12. polarweb

    Pull Values from Details View and Reuse on New Form

    Well, ive tried a few things with raw and I am still seeing the issues whenever i try to pass the email through. id and job title are working perfectly. I tried a few variations: {contact_email_raw}, {mine_fabrik_jobs___contact_email_raw} I still get this: <a...
  13. polarweb

    Pull Values from Details View and Reuse on New Form

    troester: thanks a bundle once again.
  14. polarweb

    Validation Failing, Not Highlighting Failed Element

    Yeah, pretty much. My own fault for being impatient.
  15. polarweb

    Pull Values from Details View and Reuse on New Form

    Interesting. I was able to build a url with no php just used fabrik placeholders. Only problem now, is that I need to find a way to pass an email address through to the next form. Here's what I did... Default (Not set to Eval, just plain) <hr /> <a...
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