[SOLVED] How get "read only" a databasejoin element?

I need "read only" a databasejoin element.

There isn't a "read only" flag, so I set

But, if I need the value to use it in JS
if (typeof stato_preesistente_in_db === 'undefined')
  {stato_preesistente_in_db = Fabrik.getBlock('form_97').elements.get('fabrik_nominativi___Stato_Simpatizzante_Socio').getValue();}

I get the label, not the value.

If I use
I get an error: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getValue' of null"

If I set

give me the right value ("2"), but obviously it isn't read only.
I tried to work-around.

1- I set "Stato_Simpatizzante_Socio":

2 - I added a calc element "Visualizza_Stato_Simpatizzante_Socio" to display-only the text of "Stato_Simpatizzante_Socio"


but it doesn't work: it displays blank.

fabrik_nominativi___Stato_Simpatizzante_Socio is a HTML id, there's no _raw.

Whereas the placeholder used in calc is nominativi___Stato_Simpatizzante_Socio resp. nominativi___Stato_Simpatizzante_Socio_raw.
You should always quote a placeholder to avoid php errors if it's empty - which will produce a blank page.

So try with calc
return '{nominativi___Stato_Simpatizzante_Socio_raw}';
I tried
return '{nominativi___Stato_Simpatizzante_Socio}';​
It works.
I'm sorry: I am stupid!.

But, I am obliged to use 2 elements.

Why happens what I wrote in my first post?
I use


for other elements, and it works...
I think a readonly dbjoin doesn't contain the value in the page source, it's only displaying the label.
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