PDF problem in ajaxified filtered lists


Well-Known Member

It seems that the pdf export return no results in ajaxified filtered lists.
It works as expected in non ajaxified filtered lists.
Try with the github update I made to the list.js yesterday. Might not fix it, but then again, it might.

-- hugh
Can you give me the steps to replicate this issue? I've tried, but so far the PDF output looks OK, regardless of how I filter / navigate with AJAX enabled on the list.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh

The problem appears when I try to export in pdf a ajaxified filtered lists.
However I just discovered that this works ONLY in one list. All the others fail.
Does it fail even if you don't filter the list, like if you just do a fresh load of the page and immediately export?

-- hugh
Hi Hugh

No, this happens only if I filter on ajaxified.
If I don't, even if the list is ajaxified, there is no problem.
Is there any obvious difference between the list which works and those which don't, i.e. the element types being filtered, or the setup of the filtering?

-- hugh
No...the filtering setup is the same.
The filtered elements are dbjoins or field ones in all my lists.
I can't filter the list from your link, it's loading endless (can't see any error in JS console or network response, response is just empty).

Ajaxfied list + required filter + PDF is working on my site.

Although there are some strange effects with ajaxfied list filtering:
Without required filtering "Clear filter" is clearing the filter values but still shows the filtered list.
With required filtering "Clear filters" is clearing filters and showing "no data" instead of "please select at least one filter.."

ok, now your list load has finished - after 9.9 minutes!! (filtered on
Yes, PDF is showing only "Please select at least one filter"
What is your menu setting fabrik options/reset filters?
Is this a site migrated from Fabrik3.0.9?
Hi Troester

Yes, this is the app which I migraded from F 3.0.x.
The list loads fast at my end. Ok the filtering takes ~30 sec but no 9 min!

The reset filters on fabrik options are set to Yes.
I discovered that if I put this to No it works as expected. I don't know why this affects it!

In non-ajaxified case this work in both cases (with or without reset filter to Yes)

The PDF link doesn't contain an explicit "resetfilters=0".
Maybe this is necessary in ajaxfied lists.
Hugh, Rob?

It seems the issue (I can replicate) is only with required filtering.
PDF of an ajaxfied filtered list without required filter is ok, even if resetfilters=yes in menu.

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Thank you.

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