$opt->value: explode using separator in a dbjoin element



can i explode $opt->value using a delimiter and populate a dbjoin element with the array values? I'm using a dbjoin because the values are dinamically retrieved from database.

Let's say the $opt->value looks like (string) "value1|value2|value3". I tried to convert this string to array using explode and populate the dbjoin options, but all i can get is value = "value3", label = "value3"

$tests = explode("|",$opt->value);
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$opt->value = $test;
$opt->text = $test;

How can i populate the dbjoin element like:

<select name"..">
<option value="value1">value1</option>
<option value="value2">value2</option>
<option value="value3">value3</option>

Thank you
Can i retrieve dynamic values in a dropdown? If yes, how?
The dbjoin element is using a where condition like "where {thistable}.id = '{table___elementname}'", i tried with a query in dropdown but it's not working, the placeholder value is not retrieved..
We should be doing a placeholder replacement on your code, but you may be better off finding it yourself, with something like ...

$formModel = $this->getFormModel();
// form data should be in $formModel->data, you can test by dumping it out here ...
var_dump($formModel->data); exit;

-- hugh
I'm still confused: how can i retrieve the data dinamically from another element using dropdown and php code as troester says above?

I tried with placeholder (the value is not retrieved dinamically as oposite to dbjoin element where an ajax call is triggered) and also using formModel (didn't know that i can use it in elements, not only for php form plugin), i can't make it work..

Let's say i have the following php code in the Advanced tab for a dropdown:

$formModel = $this->getFormModel();
$user_id = $formModel->data['test___user_raw'][0]; //test___user is an "user" element
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$db->setQuery('SELECT id, name as text FROM #__users where id = '.$user_id.'');
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $row->id, $row->text);
return $options;

When i load the form, I'm already selected in dropdown. So far so good, the value is retrieved from the test___user element.

But soon as i choosed another User from test___user, the dropdown option is not dinamically updated. That's why i choosed dbjoin element and asked how to split the $opt->value..

Thank you
You should set up your dbjoin list as a "clean" lookup table, already with splitted values/text.
The dbjoin values will be added by specific users (Product Manager) in an existing form. Basically, the PM will add a simple value that will be autofilled in a field element displayed for agents or will add a "collection" of values that will be displayed in a dbjoin element for agents. It's like a form created by Super User that will be visible only for PM and all the values filled by PM will be displayed in another form for agents.

In the end i will activate the Frontend option for dbjoin and ask PM to add the values here and fill a db table..never used this option before, let's hope it will solve my request.
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