Search results

  1. skyrun

    upgrading db from mysql 5.6->5.7 generates invalid query (weird)

    of course that's exactly it!! you're a lifesaver troester. fabrik can't join from another db and my fabrik connection still points to the prod db... duh. i wouldn't have thought of that in a million years.
  2. skyrun

    upgrading db from mysql 5.6->5.7 generates invalid query (weird)

    i have the same fabrik code (elements/lists/etc) on 2 databases (on 2 servers). one is 5.6 one is testing an update/migration to mysql 5.7. when i connect joomla to the 5.6 one, everything works as normal. i have a databasejoin element to lookup a userid on jos_users that fabrik generates...
  3. skyrun

    redirect form plugin seems to be adding ?/ to the front of the path

    thanks SO MUCH for monitoring the forums and letting me know what's up with this. if it helps, i would be happy to throw $100 at this. or could one of my developers get on github and propose a change to fabrik?
  4. skyrun

    redirect form plugin seems to be adding ?/ to the front of the path

    it is setting the path to when the path in the redirect plugin is set to skytrax-manage/owner-portal/owner-portal-tab-configuration. (and fabrik/joomla running in this is new behavior from a...
  5. skyrun

    @mediaateam - professional support

    first, i would gladly pay $3k/yr for fabrik support. but i suspect i may be in the minority. a donate button isn't going to work... first suggestion: make the old 'professional' available again at $3K/yr and see, you may be surprised. if nothing else you'll have $3K from me ;-) and i...
  6. skyrun

    What's wrong with the creator's of Fabrik

    i agree with you about the broken links an no easy path for newbies to fabrik. i've been using fabrik for 10+ years now, and i would just say 'stick with it', it's 110% worth it... also would say a strong development background in php and js (and some joomla) will help. if someone doesn't...
  7. skyrun

    i can no longer post to 'professional support' forum (did yesterday).

    has my subscription expired? if so i would be happy to renew, but can't figure out how on the fabrik website or here. also fyi,the link'your fabrik account' is broke.
  8. skyrun

    tag element type (on a form) doesn't work on mobile browsers

    tried advanced dropdown yes and no, tried different bootstrap classes. it works fine on a pc browser (can typeahead and select tags), but on a mobile brower (tried safari and chrome on an iphone and chrome on android), the element shows '0 items' and when you select it, gives an empty list to...
  9. skyrun

    with latest github update, return $_REQUEST['anything']; in an element causes error

    some updates. first, if i set allow fabrikdebug to NO or YES, then these errors go away. only when i set it to 'debug js' does the issue show. second, if i erase the language ini file, the error changes to: Error An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner...
  10. skyrun

    selecting default selection(s) on a databasejoin multiselect element

    can this be done either using the 'default' on the main options tab or eval options on the advanced tab? note that i'm using enhanced dropdowns and have only tested with that set to 'yes'. what i tried: using default on options tab: tried putting in multiple values for default like...
  11. skyrun

    Creating a totally new form UI

    Update on this: First, by outside of the joomla framework, i meant it runs outside of (not within) the joomla template/ui. yes, the joomla framework is there and available, but you can't create output using the php list plugin (not what it was designed to do). we created a fabrik list (and...
  12. skyrun

    with latest github update, return $_REQUEST['anything']; in an element causes error

    when my element has the evaled default of return $_REQUEST['anything'], it causes this error. An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner. Debug: Caught exception on eval of reservation_id: syntax error, unexpected '(' in...
  13. skyrun

    only 1 cron/scheduled job runs

    nothing in there when running these jobs. i do see some things in there from other jobs that say (for example) 8,Undefined variable: log,/home/skyrunftp/subdomains/breckenridge/httpdocs/v3/plugins/fabrik_form/php/scripts/departurelistreporthtml.php,1483 (that's the script i am pulling in with...
  14. skyrun

    only 1 cron/scheduled job runs

    i am pretty sure that if you schedule more than 1 scheduled job and they both are caused to run by the user hitting the site, that only the first one runs in that case. BUT the 'lastrun' time on all 3 are updated. there are no error messages. and in fact i get warnings, but only one ONE of...
  15. skyrun

    Creating a totally new form UI

    i want to use fabrik to maintain a (fabrik) list of items (pricing rules in my case). and when i open the form for that item, i present the user with a totally custom ui that can present a more user friendly way than a tradisional 'form' to populate the form data. i tried using a php list...
  16. skyrun

    processing {plugins} in form input

    thanks hugh, you're right that it is not fabrik. i've discovered that sourceerer (from regular labs) processes everything in joomla by default when the plugin is on. form text, and even form input that is output/included when the form is loaded. this seems like really dangerous behaviour to...
  17. skyrun

    processing {plugins} in form input

    m. ok. seems like any joomla form would have it happen then if a {xxxxx} is in the data in the form... and i doubt it does. certainly doesn't when you use JCE or any of the editors when you put the {xxxxx}'s in. it doesn't render them. so i am still suspecting fabrik. it does it when i...
  18. skyrun

    processing {plugins} in form input

    no joy. commented out that line, and it still processes joomla plugins on the input box on the form.
  19. skyrun

    processing {plugins} in form input

    i can't seem to get it to stop processing plugins if they are in the content of a form field. works (ie shows the actual data, does not process the plugin) when i view the form on the backend, but when viewed on the front-end, the plugins are getting evaluated and the content displayed in the...
  20. skyrun

    setting a form value (that sticks) with javascript in another element.

    this works, but seems a bit redundant. seems i have to read the value using the DOM and then get the element pointer to call .update method on to update it for fabrik. /* only way to read to get current value */ var completeddate =...