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  1. elmarra

    Solved 500 Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list *******: <br />

    Yes as also described in the wiki, it is always preferable to always use it
  2. elmarra

    Validating textarea

    Sorry, I hadn't seen the documentation before. It actually says that placeholders can be used in the PHP code and in the condition fields. The use of:$value = $this->data['tablename___textarea'];is to directly access values in other contexts. In any case, the wiki is open. Feel free to update...
  3. elmarra

    Solved 500 Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list *******: <br />

    In your concat, you're using 'id' which is very common in SQL. So it's better to use {thistable} something like: {thistable}.id,' - ',nombre But I recommend being more specific: {thistable}.id,' - ',{thistable}.nombre
  4. elmarra

    Validating textarea

    Are you using php validation? use the placeholder instead of $value = $this->data['tablename___textarea']; $value = '{tablename___textarea}'; // Use placeholder $minLength = 32; if (strlen($value) < $minLength) { $thisValidation->setMessage($value); return false; // Validation failed }...
  5. elmarra

    Problem with creating PDF when site has SSL

    So if you set to http. Are PDFs displayed correctly with the custom_css.php file? I really can't play. In my site and even testing (both locally and online) it loads them correctly. You could maybe do a test here: libraries/fabrik/vendor/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Options.php line 206: set from...
  6. elmarra

    Problem with creating PDF when site has SSL

    No problem. It was only to understand what you had done. Have you updated the .htaccess file? (maybe you have some rules that block some URLs) it's definitely a problem with the certificate. Is it valid for the entire domain? have you also tried from another browser? Because if, as you say, by...
  7. elmarra

    Problem with creating PDF when site has SSL

    In my site (and also in other test sites), it has always worked correctly with SSL certificates. Where did you enable and disable SSL? In the global settings > Fabrik > debug "verify SSL peers"? Or do you mean on your server?
  8. elmarra

    Workaround Problems with the juser plugin after after upgrading Joomla to Joomla! 5.2.3

    In my system.J 5.2.3I do not get the error during editing.I have the "password reset field" element. Set to "yes/no".With ACL permissions set to a specific group.So the user does not see the element in their form.And during saving, I have no issues. I get the same error as you if:Setting the...
  9. elmarra

    Workaround Problems with the juser plugin after after upgrading Joomla to Joomla! 5.2.3

    You are getting this error because, as I see from your screenshots, in the parameter 'password Reset Field' you have the element 'teste'. Clearly, you are passing a null (empty) value while the database expects an integer value. What element is it? Also, that field is optional. If you need to...
  10. elmarra

    Solved how to edit columns on form's "Details view"

    How are you doing this? For example col-sm-6 is set From group settings > layout > columns = 2 If you set 3 it returns col-sm-4 etc And if set to 1, it will be empty and therefore full width. Please provide some more details and we can help you more easily.
  11. elmarra

    Feature Request: Always show customtop position

    As I mentioned in the last post. I fixed and isolated the issue. And this was available in the next release. (alternatively in the meantime you can update via Git). So either do a full update. Or update this.
  12. elmarra

    Fixed Store row failed: Incorrect integer value: '' for column ``.``.`view_level` at row 1 ;

    The problem seems to be that you are inserting an empty value into a column that expects an integer value. How do you try to insert data into that column? What element is it?
  13. elmarra

    Solved how to edit columns on form's "Details view"

    In Fabrik, you can create custom templates for lists, forms, and details. You can find them in: components/com_fabrik/views/details (in your case). You'll find a bootstrap template that you can also create others from...
  14. elmarra

    Solved Rename uploadfile as id row

    $name = $formModel->getElementData('elenco_venditori___id'); $ext = JFile::getExt($filename); return $name . '.' . $ext; This should automatically add the extension name instead
  15. elmarra

    Solved Rename uploadfile as id row

    $name = $formModel->getElementData('elenco_venditori___id'); return $name . '.pdf'; pdf is an example. But in this way you have to make sure that the uploaded files are of the same extension. Example, if you want to get the file name renamed with "pdf", make sure that the uploaded files are...
  16. elmarra

    Solved jDate element's locale

    This was due to the template (helix ultimate). I had also wasted too much time on it, to then understand that it was due to him.
  17. elmarra

    Solved jDate element's locale

    In Italian for me it is Monday. If set in English it is Sunday the first day. it is due to geolocation
  18. elmarra

    Solved jDate element's locale

    plugins/system/helixultimate/overrides/layouts/joomla/form/field/calendar.php change the file. I had already reported this to the helix developers some time ago. But they still haven't updated the template, to solve this problem. I don't know
  19. elmarra

    Solved jDate element's locale

    Front o back-end? Also what template are you using? I had a similar problem it was due to the template (helix)
  20. elmarra

    What's next for full calendar

    To inspect the tooltip's CSS and keep it active when moving the mouse, you need to select an event in the console and disable the "mouse out" option. This will keep the tooltip always visible (you first need to hover over it to activate it). Then, you can inspect it. (See the image.) Do you...