Search results

  1. schacke

    Element/Access, Popups, Lists/Related data language

    Element > Access: Form Edit and Add is set to 'Super Users' but shows up anyway when a registered user uses the form. Popups doesn't close: When using the Radius search and the email list plugin, the popups doesn't close after search/send. Lists > Data > Related data: The 'Heading' and 'Button...
  2. schacke

    [SOLVED] Get image with calc plugin

    Isn't this the right way? This is the calculation: $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query = "SELECT logo FROM dkbb_invoice_info WHERE user = '{$my->id}'"; $db->setQuery($query); $path = $db->loadResult(); return '<img src="' . $path . '" alt=" " />'; And this is what's returned in the html: <img...
  3. schacke

    Label translation stopped working

    I used this excellent procedure to translate labels: But suddenly it stopped working. Could it be because I added additional languages afterwards?
  4. schacke

    Creating a report form - how to get page url

    Is it possible to append the current page url to a field and thereby create a reporting form?
  5. schacke

    Saving post creates duplicate

    I have a menu item pointing to a form with the Row id: -1 and the key set to: user. As a new user I can fill in a blank form and the next time, I can edit my post. The problem is, that the form is being saved as a new post every time (even though I use the Limit plugin). Did I make myself...
  6. schacke

    email list plugin - blank popup

    The popup is empty with no possibilities - can you replicate this or should I sent login info?
  7. schacke

    NV3D chart: getting an 1064 error.

    I'm having some trouble with the nv3d chart. I want to show a multi column chart grouped. It's set to be using "Labels in data". But I get an '1064' error. If I change the value to use the ID it shows up, but It wont use my value field. By the way - the filters aren't showing
  8. schacke

    Translate Radius Search label

    Maybe it's obvious, but I can't find a way to translate the label in the Radius Search list plugin.
  9. schacke

    List: Related data - 'Link to form' return to 'No' after Save

    I want to link to related data form from a list. And it works fine, but when I save the list the option has returned to 'No'.
  10. schacke

    Prepopulate a form

    How do I prepopulate a form with selected elements values from the latest post from a user? The copy plugin won't do because I only need a part of the information. It's for a mecical diary. I have searched the forums without luck. Maybe You can point me in the right direction?
  11. schacke

    Viewing post from list module

    When I view a post from the list module, the url goes non-sef and the page doesn't belong to any menu item. When I do the same from the normal list all is good. Is it possible to make the list module act the same way as the normal list?
  12. schacke

    Language issues

    I have used this guide to translate lables. Is it possible to translate tip text the same way? And I can't get the language filter {lang} to work in frontend - only backend.
  13. schacke

    List: Responsive CSS returning wrong class

    'Visible phone' is returning "hidden-tablet hidden-phone"
  14. schacke

    The file size of cropped images

    How come the file size of a cropped image (in the file upload plugin) is so large? Example: I upload an image: Size 75 kb. Thumb: 15 kb. Crop: 470 kb.
  15. schacke

    Database join to encrypted element?

    Is it possible to make a join to an encrypted element?
  16. schacke

    List module - random and pagination

    I'm using the list module because I wan't to Randomize the posts. I only wan't to show 3 posts on each page. The problem is, that it's the same 3 posts on first page every time (in random sort order though). Another problem is, that the pagination disappears on page 2.
  17. schacke

    Radius Search Plugin creates an ekstra butten in list

    What's the use of it?
  18. schacke

    Prefilter list based on usergroup of the post author

    I'm building a membership site for psychologists where they can post a business card (build with Fabrik). When their membership expires they autmatically change usergroup. My question is: I would like to prefilter the business card list so only posts from users belonging to a certain usergroup...
  19. schacke

    Form article plugin: custom link to article

    I tried to use the {readmore} in the custom detail URL in the list. But that didn't seem to work. How do I link to the generated articles from the list view?
  20. schacke

    Rating element: Creator rating not saved

    When i set the 'Rating mode' to 'Creator rating', the rating is not saved and it can't be edited afterwards.
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