Search results

  1. sn00ze

    make list row the link to details

    Ok, this is driving me nuts and I'm sure someone here will just go "you forgot the semi colon" or something and I can sleep at night once more.. So, in an attempt to make the entire list row the link to the items details and not the magnifying glass button, I have been editing default_row.php...
  2. sn00ze

    SOLVED: Radius Search using PHP form plugin?

    Hi all, I'm trying to complete a custom search form. I have been using {placeholders} and url filtering in a php form plugin... with some success, but have hit a wall with partially tricky SQL select involving a radius search. It would be easiest if I could access and edit the SQL query that is...
  3. sn00ze

    Radius Search Plugin help, stuck on loading screen?

    I hoping this is a simple one for Fabrik brains out there :rolleyes: The radius Search Plugin is not working for me, I get stuck on the loading screen, no results come up. Also, and probably more significant, I cannot clear filters. Same thing, i get stuck on loading screen. When I unpublish...
  4. sn00ze

    SQL error #1271 - Illegal mix of collations for operation 'match'

    Hi, I have turned Extended search all = YES Now the SQL query is AND -ing the search required, but I get this error: #1271 - Illegal mix of collations for operation 'match' the SQL that's the problem is: FROM `new_entry` WHERE ( ( (`new_entry`.`category` = '10' OR...
  5. sn00ze

    fabrik_list_filter_all_X_com_fabrik_X ... AND other search terms ?

    Hello, I am filtering via URL with multiple parameters. I want one of the parameters to be: fabrik_list_filter_all_X_com_fabrik_X I want to logical AND a couple of other search parameters with the fabrik_list_filter_all_X_com_fabrik_X eg...
  6. sn00ze

    I just bought a standard subscription, but can't post to the standard support forum.

    its been a number of days now....
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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