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    Table name gotcha

    I guess this isn't a bug, but its a dangerous gotcha! Sceneario: I have a site hosted with a provider. I have Fabrik in use to do some stuff on that site. I then host a 2nd site with the same provider, and want Fabrik to do the same stuff on this site as on the 1st site. So I do a backup of the...

    Advice needed - cohabitating with a desktop program

    I have a project which is going to be a complex desktop application doing things that would just be too hard for me to achieve with Fabrik. This program will use a sql database, and that could be MySql. I'll need a web interface for listing records, drilling down and ordering products. I know I...

    How to: Grid of images

    I'm not sure if Fabrik is my best tool for this, but I can't find a gallery component that fits the requirements... This is for an artist's site. Page to display a grid of image thumbnails (which represent records), 3 across and extending down. There will be three categories of images and I...

    Critical Bug: - Date issue with 3.0.5-5-g33cd554

    Installed 3.0.5-5-g33cd554 and I'm pretty sure that only since then there is a date issue. I also have this problem with the production release I have 2 date elements which I've not changed. The dates save as the day before and every time I edit a record (without changing the dates) the...

    Bug: Element "use as row class" issue

    Elements have a setting "use as row class" in the "List View settings" tab. This is a great feature and allows me to color the rows based on their status. But the class is often not added to the rows. For instance if I use the list navigation controls (start,end etc) or enter a search.

    Bug: PHP Validation with replace not working when repeatable

    I have a field element in a repeatable group which has a php validation, the php code is "return 1;" "Replace" is ticked. if its part of a repeatable group, this does not set the value of the field on submit. It does work if not part of a repeatable group.

    Bug: Calc element with group repeater issue

    Maybe the calc element is a work in progress? If I add a calc element to a repeatable group, the group_repeater buttons are flakey: I can add one group, but not a second. Removing a group is inconsistent.

    Bug: Form email plugin failing on back end.

    LOGGED Bug: Form email plugin failing on back end. I have a form and one of its plugins is causing the following error in the back end only... in the front end it works like a charm :-). Fatal error: Call to undefined method JAdministrator::getParams() in...

    Little Bug: Delete then cancel issue

    Looking at a list of records I do the following: Hit the delete button on record 1 for instance Select 'Cancel' when asked to confirm. (Problem: Record 1 remains checked) Hit the delete button on record 2 Confirm delete, record 2 and record 1 get deleted

    Bug: Repeating group element default failing

    I have a database join element which renders as a drop box in a repeatable group. Its an integer joining to the id of the another table. All works just fine, including the default value, but... If the element is not editable by the current user, the default value does not get stored with the...

    Bug? Tips have lost styling

    I updated from GitHub today, and I presume this problem came with that update, but can't be totally sure because I've only just noticed it after 7 hours. Tips in detail views are displaying as text only with span tags around it. I've tried different templates See attached.

    How to hide group repeater

    RESOLVED How to hide group repeater I want to hide the group repeater if a record is being edited (rather than inserted). I'm trying the following javascript on the id element when onload, but can't get it to work: if (this.get('value') > 0) {...

    Bug: Repeating group validation error message

    When I have a repeating group, validations are all working, but when validation fails on the any of the 2nd+ group of fields (1st group is ok), the error image and the error message are not shown. The Label shows correctly in red.

    Bug: Date validation and ajax

    When a form is ajaxified, the validation on a date field generally gets bypassed.

    Publish date issue

    The Start Publishing date on Forms is not effective for local time. I'm having to enter the GMT time (my zone time minus 11 hours) for it to behave correctly.

    Form opening in View Mode rather than Edit Mode

    Hi, I have a form for public and registered users. All was working fine, but now when the form opens, it is in view mode when the user is not logged in. I first saw this yesterday in Safari only, but now its all browsers. I know, it sounds like I've changed something... maybe, but all I can...

    List view Ajaxify bug

    V3.0.4 When viewing a list with "Ajaxify" turned on (for filtering), the setting "Use as row class" on an element has no effect when the user selects a search filter and the list is reloaded using Ajax.

    PHP Email template date output

    Hi, v 3.4.0 Not sure if its something I'm doing, but I have an element 'BookingEnquiry_1_repeat___Arriving' which is not displaying the date. When I use the following in a php email template I get a '0': $this->data['join'][$joinkey]['BookingEnquiry_1_repeat___Arriving'][$i] However, I get...

    Date validation comparison problem

    Hi, I'm on v3.0.4 I have two date elements in a repeatable group. On the 2nd date field I have a isgreaterorlessthan validation checking that it is greater the the 1st date. Entering the form, this works sometimes but not others... particularly if the 1st date is less than today, but I'm not...

    PHP validation on repeating elements

    Hi, I'm on V3.0.4 I'm attempting php validation on an element in a repeatable group. I want to check that either the target element or another element in the repeatable group has a value. My problem is retrieving the value of the other element (BookingEnquiry_1_repeat___Members_Staying) is...
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