Amateur Hour: Forms, php plugin, accessing and modifying dates


Caaan do!
Hello Friends! Long time no speaky.

I have an issue similar to what we worked on ad nauseam here:

Like in the previous post, I'm trying to access a date and modify it in a loop. Basically, insert a row for each year and modify the date by one year in each. My current task calls for much less, than the work we did in the aforementioned thread, but even using our previous work as a "template" my form is still failing.

I'm using php form plugin with onAfterProcess

Here is my code:
$myDb = JFactory::getDbo();
$myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true);

$anniversaryDate =  $formModel->getElementData('afab_10_yearly_royalties___anniversary_date');
$anniversaryDate = new DateTime($anniversaryDate);

// start building the query ..

// loop around and insert the relevant number of times
for ($step = 1; $step <= 10; $step += 1) {
	//add a year
$moddedanniversaryDate = $anniversaryDate->modify('+1 year')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

// run the query
// uncomment this line if you need to debug
// var_dump((string) $moddedanniversaryDate);exit;

This is the error I'm getting:

1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''),('2018-12-05 12:05:53','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-14 12:05:00',2' at line 3

When I do a vardump on this variable it returns this:

string(19) "2028-12-28 12:00:00"

I've been axing at this since Friday, trying a whole lot of different stuff, but this is the closest I've gotten. I hope I'm not too far off. Any help would be valued and appreciated. I hope everyone is well with your team.

achartier, thanks for chiming in. Here's what that gives me.
string(1190) " INSERT INTO afab_10_yearly_royalties (`date_time`,`cb`,`cbname`,`cbusername`,`cbemail`,`cbid`,`group`,`bridge_id`,`group_name`,`js_group_id`,`joomla_group_id`,`contract_dade`,`anniversary_date`,`total_minimum`) VALUES ('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',,''),('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2019-12-28 10:07:00,''),('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2020-12-28 10:07:00,''),('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2021-12-28 10:07:00,''),('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2022-12-28 10:07:00,''),('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2023-12-28 10:07:00,''),('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2024-12-28 10:07:00,''),('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2025-12-28 10:07:00,''),('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2026-12-28 10:07:00,''),('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2027-12-28 10:07:00,'')"
I cleaned that up a bit to make it more readable

string(1190) " 
INSERT INTO afab_10_yearly_royalties (`date_time`,`cb`,`cbname`,`cbusername`,`cbemail`,`cbid`,`group`,`bridge_id`,`group_name`,`js_group_id`,`joomla_group_id`,`contract_dade`,`anniversary_date`,`total_minimum`) 
('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',,''),
('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2019-12-28 10:07:00,''),
('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2020-12-28 10:07:00,''),
('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2021-12-28 10:07:00,''),
('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2022-12-28 10:07:00,''),
('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2023-12-28 10:07:00,''),
('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2024-12-28 10:07:00,''),
('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2025-12-28 10:07:00,''),
('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2026-12-28 10:07:00,''),
('2018-12-06 10:13:09','','','','','','','','','','','2018-12-20 10:07:00',2027-12-28 10:07:00,'')
Thanks for the tip!
It looks like my $moddedanniversaryDate was not wrapped in quotes for the `anniversary_date` column.

I just changed the line to this


Working now!

Thanks Achartier! Kudos to you!

We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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