Copy selected rowid from list to a field on a form


I have a page with an article, below that a list in a module and below that a form (to add to the list) in a module.
I want to have a button (or link) on each row of the list that fills in the rowid in a field on the form.
(So that you can reply on one of the items in the list and add your reply to that list.)
I don't want to go to a different page and also no popup.

Already tried to use the related data link, list link-plugin and list php-plugin, but don't get it to work.
My guess is to make it work using some js, but I tried the list php-plugin and the gave me an 'invalid controller' error. This was because I could not set ajax for the module; this must be set to no, because I need 'use as row class' for an element.

Does anyone has a suggestion how to get this working?

We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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