CSV Export: No records available for CSV export


Hi - happy and healthy new year to all.

I am getting 'No records available for CSV export' on a list that has a pre-filter by getting the value of the filter from the URL parameter "myvar"


In the prefilter of the list I have:

WHERE `fieldname` EQUALS to value '{myvar}' type 'text'

In this case I can't export to csv.
See the tooltip for "Custom QS" in the CSV options.

That's exactly the scenario I added that setting for. So you'd add ...


... to that setting, which will add whatever 'myvar' is set to on the query string that loads that list page, to the posted data the CSV is fired off with.

-- hugh
Awesome - I have never ever noticed that field.

I am just having another csv export relevant issue. On another list where I use advanced search, the csv export doesn't take into consideration the filtered data from the advanced search.
I think I found some older posts describing this so initially I would like to know if this is a known issue.

Taking it a step forward - as I am creating custom_csv_list_export.php files for my lists, I am looking for the method that could return the terms that have been used in the advanced search field - from the FabrikFEModel - but so far I had no luck -nor able to spot something that would do the work.
Write it all wrong - it's not the advanced search I am talking about above - it's the search all feature.

And I am trying to:
1. export csv with the filtered data from the search all feature
2. find a way to get the values (keywords entered) of the search all field
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