dbjoin + add option in front end + repeat group



Let's say i have a dbjoin element in a repeat group: "test_740_repeat___dbjoin". The "add option in front end" is enabled. In "Popup form" i selected a form (test_740_repeat_repeat) that should retain all the values for this dbjoin element. The popup form contains the following elements :id, parent_id, dbjoin_value, position

Need your help to understand:

1. How can i get the "test_740_repeat___id" value and send it to the popup form in order to fill "test_740_repeat_repeat___parent_id"? Can i modify the popup url?

I tried with
JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('test_740_repeat___id_raw', '');
but i can't get the value (even after saving the main form that include the repeated group), only works with JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('test___id_raw', ''); , the id of the main form.

Thank you
Friendly bump.. how can i get the selected value for a dbjoin element in a repeated group and use it into another form?
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