Dropdown Eval Populate ignores Disable setting


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I am populating a dropdown using php in the Eval Populate field. I am creating an array[] using multiple JHTML::_('select.option', ...) statements. I wish to have one or more items in the dropdown list disabled (they are parents with children, only non-parents can be selected). I do this using the disable option of the JHTML::_ select option.

For example:
$opt = JHTML::_('select.option', $item->value, $item->name );
if ( $item->children > 0 )  $opt->disable = true;
$list[] = $opt;

When I return the $list the dropdown is rendered but the disable option is being ignored.
Alright, so here is a patch to fix the problem:

in components/com_fabrik/models/element.php insert the following function after the getSubOptionLabels function:

        * Get sub option enabled/disabled state
        * @return  array
        protected function getSubOptionEnDis()
                $opts = array();
                $phpOpts = $this->getPhpOptions();
                if ($phpOpts)
                        foreach ($phpOpts as $phpOpt)
                                $opts[] = $phpOpt->disable;
                return $opts;

And in plugins/fabrik_element/dropdown/dropdown.php

near line 58 find:
$labels = $this->getSubOptionLabels();

insert this after it:
$endis = $this->getSubOptionEnDis();

then change the foreach that follows as below:

foreach ($values as $tmpval)
            $tmpLabel = JArrayHelper::getValue($labels, $i);
            $disable = JArrayHelper::getValue($endis, $i);
            // For values like '1"'
            $tmpval = htmlspecialchars($tmpval, ENT_QUOTES);
            $opt = JHTML::_('select.option', $tmpval, $tmpLabel);
            $opt->disable = $disable;
            $opts[] = $opt;
            if (in_array($tmpval, $selected))
                    $aRoValues[] = $this->getReadOnlyOutput($tmpval, $tmpLabel);
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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