Get the Form Number and Record ID, Javascript


I have created a button that will pass the ID# through the URL, then autofill a field in the form, but I need to get some information from Fabrik. From the details page of a record, I can see the form number and record ID in the URL as index.php/49/2 where 49 is the form, 2 is the record's unique ID and I'm in the record's details page, but how do I access that data, in Fabrik, if the ID is constantly changing?

I know I can see and retrieve the information in the JS console, using

As you can see, I can hard-code the record's information, but the button requires that the ID change from record to record. I can store that as a variable and use it just fine, but what happens when the ID of the record changes and I start looking at another record; details_49_3, for instance? The button will stop working.
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I don't know if this solution will hold up, but it's predicated on the possibility that the first sub object of "blocks" will always be in the [0] or the first position.



This will return the ID number for this particular Fabrik element and this particular entry in the database. I can pull the name of this entry by using :

will return details_49_2
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