[Solved] Display data from a loadAssocList

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Hello Fabrik community

Sorry for these simple PHP question, but ... I block :oops:!

I have never use it in Fabrik, I know my code begins to work because I can see good results in an array (with a var_dump or print).

But I cannot display results beautifully in my website, arrrgh. I try some foreach syntaxes, without success.

Please can you help me?

Here my code:
$monId = '{pipelines___id}';

$myDb = FabrikWorker::getDbo(false, 5);

$myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true);

$myQuery->select('link_contact, notes')
->where('pipeline_id = ' . $myDb->quote($monId));

$myResults = $myDb->loadAssocList();


THX in advance for all advices!
foreach($myResults as $k=>$v){
    echo '<pre>view contact: ' . var_export($v['link_contact'], true) . '</pre>';  
    echo '<pre>view notes: ' . var_export($v['notes'], true) . '</pre>';
Thank you.
With your help and an old thread (http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?threads/solved-calc-element-to-return-multiple-results.41128/), I found the perfect solution I think, here:
$monId = '{pipelines___id}';

$myDb = FabrikWorker::getDbo(false, 5);

$myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true);
// Requete de recuperation de la valeur concernee en fonction de l id d'origine
$myQuery->select(array('link_contact, notes'))
->where('pipeline_id = ' . $myDb->quote($monId));

$myResults = $myDb->loadObjectList();

$list = array();
foreach ($myResults as $row)
    $list[] = "<p style='margin-bottom:0px'>" . $row->link_contact . " " . $row->notes . "</p>";
return  implode($list)  ;

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It all depends on what you want to achieve and how much you can, of course.
What I've written is just a guideline, not a decision.

Please, close this thread, if you resolve the problem.
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