FYI. Found another place where '<' gets stripped


I'm building a search form for our volunteer list. I already have a basic date field (startdate), among other options.

What I am now trying to do is search on a date range - all records where the entered date sits on or between the startdate and enddate.

This is a bit advanced for me, so I'm just messing around with different options, learning as I go. When I entered:

I noticed is that the '<' is getting stripped, so that after saving, the code then looks like:

The '>' is not affected.
In Thailand... hahaha... seriously, I am.

It's in the Extra Query String field in the Fabrik Form menu (Fabrik Form Options tab)

I ran a full update from GitHub less than 2 weeks ago.

Whether the code I'm fiddling with is correct or not is irrelevant in this topic AFAIK - all I'm doing is letting you know that the '<' is stripped in that field
But the < shouldn't be there.


WHere you have >= should only be =. That's part of the query string syntax. The ? in a URL is followed by a set of key=value pairs, separated by &. I'm confused as to why you are trying to use > in there.

-- hugh
I think you are getting confused, and thinking those = in that query string are to do with the condition, ie. you want "between", so are trying to do key>=value and key<=value. But that's not the case. The query string just sets what the values are, then the filter code applies "BETWEEN" to them.

Note that query string syntax itself, the key=value separated by &, isn't a Fabrik thing, it's an HTTP thing.

-- hugh
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