Fabrik not installable


New Member
Hi, i have Joomla! 3.9.18 and if i search Fabrik on Joomla Extensions, it tell me:
This extension has been unpublished for the following reason:
  • UR7: Under Investigation
So i can't install and use Fabrik because, for some reasons, is not safe... why?
Thanks in advances :)
Where can i find 3.9.1? i can't see the download link into blog
I try to download and install 3.9.2 version but this is the result:
JInstaller: :Install: Non è stato possibile trovare il file di setup XML di Joomla
JInstaller: :Install: Non è stato possibile trovare il file di setup XML
JInstaller: :Install: Errore SQL Table 'xxxxxxxxx.#__fabrik_joins' doesn't exist
Estensione Aggiorna: richiesta di elaborazione degli errori di SQL: DB function fallita con errore numero 1146
Table 'xxxxxxxxx.#__fabrik_joins' doesn't exist
ALTER TABLE `#__fabrik_joins` CHANGE `table_id` `list_id` INT( 6 ) NOT NULL;
Pacchetto Installazione: si è verificato un errore nell'installazione di un'estensione: com_fabrik_3.9.2.zip
Errore installazione pacchetto
I downloaded and installed exactly that version, but it gives me error continuously ... I have no problems with other extensions, so I wonder if I have to manually upload the files in the temp to install them from there. With "install package" it doesn't work.
Which system environment do you have (server, php version...)?

Fabrik is a big component, maybe you are hitting server limits.
Yes, try with "Install from folder".
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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