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  1. juuser

    List order plugin does not work with SEF-urls enabled

    When SEF urls are enabled, order plugin seems to make an ajax call to the wrong url which is "", but it should be "". And therefore does not save the ordering throwing a "404 not found" error on browser console. In order.js, adding...
  2. juuser

    Fixed WYSIWYG-editor doesn't parse HTML on form validation fail

    Thanks! Quick test shows that this fix seems to be working great! HTML-parsing issue does not occur and also e.g. "<123>" is preserved.
  3. juuser

    Fixed WYSIWYG-editor doesn't parse HTML on form validation fail

    Thanks Troester, That definitely seems to be the culprit. Removing this line solves the issue. And I cannot replicate the original issue for what this line was added for. "<" and ">" characters in the editor seem to save just fine without the Bitbucket addition.
  4. juuser

    Fixed WYSIWYG-editor doesn't parse HTML on form validation fail

    Just noticed this with J5.0.0 and F4.4.1 (both JCE and TinyMCE have the same behavior). When you have e.g. "Some text" in the editor, then try to save the form and the validation fails, "Some text" becomes "<p>Some text</p>". And when you try to save again with failed validation, then "<p>Some...
  5. juuser

    Feature Suggestion: Custom default settings for list and form

    I agree it's quite lot. But adding this to the content type seems pretty resonable on quick though. I will try to investigate this a bit when I should have some free time.
  6. juuser

    Feature Suggestion: Custom default settings for list and form

    It would be a huge time saver if it would be possible to set your own defaults for list and form settings when adding new ones at the back-end. There are probably about 15 different settings that I need to change every time for each list/form, so on an average site with approx. 20-30 lists, it...
  7. juuser

    Need a structure for user JS and PHP file locations

    I can take a deeper look at this in a coming days.
  8. juuser

    Calculation per row with previous row calculated value

    1) If you don't save the saldo, you will need to calculate it again for every new record. While adding new record, you don't know the rowid yet (especially when there might be multiple users adding data to the same list and possibly at the same time). So you could update the saldo in the form...
  9. juuser

    Create invoices from list view

    I would start the workflow from the Invoices table like: 1) User clicks "Add" in Invoice table. 2) Then selects products in the invoice_item repeat table. 3) Next, there would be a user databasejoin element rendered as multiselect (and Chosen/Enhanced dropdown enable) where the user selects the...
  10. juuser

    Problem with radiobutton in repeat group

    Same issue in a repeat group seems to be also with the regular radiobuttons (not only a button group). So radiobuttons are not usable in the repeat group at the moment.
  11. juuser

    Problem with radiobutton in repeat group

    Thank you for the link! Yes, it seems to be the same issue. Unfortunately, I don't have enough resources and understanding of Fabrik repeat groups behavior to track this down myself. But I would be more than happy to donate as this is such an essential feature. Thanks :)
  12. juuser

    Problem with radiobutton in repeat group

    Hi, I have stumbled into a problem with the basic radiobutton functions (displayed as button group). In a repeat group (displayed as table), when you add the first row, radiobutton works like expected. When you add another row and try to make a selection, the following error is thrown...
  13. juuser

    Solved Can't install Fabrik4.1 using the installer

    Just FYI, Fabrik 4.2 is out for some time already.
  14. juuser

    Show users list based on province of logged user

    You should be able to add list pre-filter, something like: Field: Province or Province(raw) if you have that available in the dropdown. Condition: EQUALS Value: SELECT province FROM your_custom_users_table WHERE joomla_user_id = '{$my->id}' Type: Query Apply to: Select your Manager's access...
  15. juuser

    Show users list based on province of logged user

    Do you have a separate user list in Joomla which is synced with Joomla user database? And does that user list include user the province field?
  16. juuser

    Fabrik V4.1 Now Available for Download

    I absolutely understand that the value of 1$ varies a lot through different parts of the world. And I'm not saying that 50$ is the only right amount, but something like 4-5$ per month should be affordable for most users (maybe not for the every single one). And my only point for this post was...
  17. juuser

    Fabrik V4.1 Now Available for Download

    My opinion may not be popular amongst some users, but I'm quite sure 99% of the subscribers could afford a bit higher subscription fee than the current one. I'm pretty sure something like $50 per year wouldn't break the bank even for the ones using Fabrik for voluntary / non-profit...
  18. juuser

    Problem with adding repeat group rows in mobile browsers

    Thanks for the feedback! As there may be other issues with repeat group, this one seems to be related to particularly loading Chosen library on mobile browsers. As Chosen doesn't work well on mobiles, it is (should) officially be disabled on mobile devices. Here's an old discussion / pull...
  19. juuser

    Pre-filter configuration

    What are your exact pre-filter settings? "Not Equal To" with empty "Value" seems to be working fine for me with jdate element.
  20. juuser

    Pre-filter configuration

    Did you try condition "Not equal to" and leave value field empty. Or if it's a date field, you may need 0000-00-00 00:00:00 as value.