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  1. N

    Question regarding PHP Version

    I see the requirements call for PHP 8.1 - however, I am having problems with my hosting provider on their version of 8.1. I have rolled back to PHP 8.0.28 - and Fabrik does seem to be working - using Gamma 3. Is there certain things that may not work? Can I consider this Okay using this...
  2. N

    Form - Email Plugin - Error: Could not send email to user@domain

    Ok - well - figured it out shortly after submitting this. The From field: I was just using a Name and not an Email:Name (as per the directions). However, on Fabrik 3 - it was working with only a when I ported over the settings - it didn't work. Thanks -
  3. N

    Form - Email Plugin - Error: Could not send email to user@domain

    I am testing out the form email plugin - however, it is not working. Getting error: Form - Email Plugin - Could not send email to I am just doing a basic setup sending to one email conditions. I have verified that my Global J! settings are correct and I have...
  4. N

    List - Filter Layout for 'Above' - Date between element is offset

    Can you please add this to the next release - I don't see it in the gamma 2 release.
  5. N

    List - Filter Layout for 'Above' - Date between element is offset

    Hi troester - this reverted back to the old position after fabrik 4 gamma update - not sure if the fix was included in the gamma release.
  6. N

    Repeat elements in form - Add/Delete Group labels and sticky labels

    Please take a look at the screenshot. 2 things: 1. When clicking Add or Delete (plus/minus icons) - the pop-up alert is sticky and they stack - it doesn't seem to go away on future icon clicks. 2. In Fabrik 3 - there was a way to change the label for this. Default is Add/Delete "Group" -...
  7. N

    List - Filter Layout for 'Above' - Date between element is offset

    Understood! Thanks! You guys are doing awesome!!!
  8. N

    List - Filter Layout for 'Above' - Date between element is offset

    Thanks! See screenshot of what it looks like - looks good - may be a bit better if it is pulled left (aligned with other boxes). But looks good either way.
  9. N

    List - Filter Layout for 'Above' - Date between element is offset

    Please take a look at the screenshot - the List - Filter Layout for 'Above' - Date between filter element is offset
  10. N

    Suggestion - Capitalize labels when creating fabrik list on existing data table

    I think this could save users a lot of time (this was really needed before Fabrik 4.x). Capitalize labels using first letter of each word (separated by space) When an existing table is used to create a fabrik list/elements - Fabrik will create elements with name of field in lowercase (all...
  11. N

    Element Plugin - User - Hidden - does not save

    Thanks! BTW - how do I update to the most recent files (so I make sure that I am not reporting something that has already been fixed? I see this here (however, I don't see a url): Alternatively, you can install the cumulative update zip...
  12. N

    List pagination - 'End' & 'Next' button Issue

    The 'End' button in the List pagination is cycling between End and Start rows on button clicks. Reproduce: Order list by id DESC. Click on End - you will see that it does go to the END (lowest id rows). Click again - and it will show the highest id rows. The Next button will go back to the...
  13. N

    Element Plugin - User - Hidden - does not save

    Made the change - it will now update the db value to = 0 on save.
  14. N

    Add row when exception is thrown - no new row created - J! message, text says it did

    It appears that when you attempt to add a new record with an exception - there is a J! message stating that a new record was added - when it does not (due to the legitimate exception) Reproduce: Set a text element on an int field in the db for that element. Create a new record and set text to...
  15. N

    Element Plugin - User - Hidden - does not save

    This is how to reproduce: There is no issue on NEW record/row. This issue is when user element db value = NULL on EDIT record. Attaching some screenshots of the element settings - hopefully that is helpful.
  16. N

    Element Plugin - User - Hidden - does not save

    When Element Plugin - User -> Hidden using ID - the form does not save. This does work when showing on form on save. Error: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'created_by' at row 1
  17. N

    Will Joomla 4 be supported???

    not that kind of update - an update regarding J!4 Take a look at an example of another J! developer providing updates to the community regarding J!4: This should be the standard...but if we could just get...
  18. N

    Will Joomla 4 be supported???

    Appreciate the comments - I am as hopeful as everyone that a positive update will be coming soon. I do think that the updates are very much lacking from the leadership team - to not have an update in over 15 months is a VERY long time...even if you don't have solid plans - at least provide some...