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  1. juuser

    pre-check items of form checkbox or picklist

    Assuming the OP uses similar code: $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery('SELECT id, text FROM #__tablename'); $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $row->id, $row->text); } return $options; I remember that the JHTML accepted third...
  2. juuser

    pre-check items of form checkbox or picklist

    I think you should be able to do it already within your eval code (didn't test though). Just check if checkbox value is "something". If yes, add "checked" attribute to the checkbox element.
  3. juuser

    Printing sum of row value at the end of the list

    Yes, just enable SUM in element settings (List view settings -> Calculations)
  4. juuser

    [SOLVED] : Repeat Items' rows within the database are inserted out of order

    Did you try to order by your repeat group table id in the list settings?
  5. juuser

    1st Form...where find help, or tutorial...

    Browser inspect tool is your best friend when dealing with CSS. Right click on your table's highlighted row. Find the tr (row) element on the left and on the right see what css is being applied to this element and in which file. In the attached photo you can see the applied css on the right...
  6. juuser

    1st Form...where find help, or tutorial...

    You can also create regular text file called "custom.css" in your list form or details template folder if the php version seems confusing.
  7. juuser

    Get count of filtered records

    Thanks for the hint! Haven't used jdump with F4 yet. Regarding js, it may be my part to a very modest extent, but only as long as it doesn't require digging in thousands of rows of Fabrik code :p
  8. juuser

    Get count of filtered records

    Thank you @troester! That's it. I have some server memory limit issues so I couldn't var_dump the whole $this. Just realized that with ajaxified list it will obviously not update after filters are applied. Wonder if there is the filtered records value somewhere in "Fabrik" javascript object, so...
  9. juuser

    Get count of filtered records

    I need to display the number of filtered records in my custom list template's header. In default.php I can get the value from "$this->nav" like "Page 1 of 2 Total: 20, where 20 is the number of filtered records. I could parse the string to get the value, but was wondering if anyone have better...
  10. juuser

    1st Form...where find help, or tutorial...

    Yes, I meant "New", but you're right of course about the forms which are not adding data in database. So warning would probably be the best.
  11. juuser

    1st Form...where find help, or tutorial...

    Just a though, could we just remove the "Add" button from the form list at the back-end?
  12. juuser

    [SOLVED] Use database join element with existing link table?

    I'm not sure I get 100% what you're trying to do, but you can point databasejoin element to any already existing tables.
  13. juuser

    Validate a form data by sending email to the user

    This approach should work. You just need to add the token to the form url you send to the user and then in your form you can have a php-plugin which checks if the token exists. If yes, submit the form. If not, stop the form submission with error message.
  14. juuser

    How do I refer the auto-increment ID to another field when adding a new record?

    Yes, there was a missing ")", fixed now. $mydb = Factory::getContainer()->get('DatabaseDriver'); should be the correct syntax with J4/F4. That is weird you needed JFactory...
  15. juuser

    How do I refer the auto-increment ID to another field when adding a new record?

    Not sure about your full setup, but if the other tables are joined to your main table like on = secondtable.parent_id, fabrik fills the parent_id field automatically on form save. Otherwise you can use form php-plugin (onAfterProcess), get the newly added rowid and update it to...
  16. juuser

    Validate a form data by sending email to the user

    I have done similar thing in separate PHP-file. Link to send to customer would be something like:{formulario___token} Steps needed: 1) Create a php-file (e.g. confirm.php in joomla root). 2) Add code to load Joomla framework in the top of the file. 3) Get...
  17. juuser

    Time Worksheet

    Just select the elements you want to copy in element list in back-end and ckick on "Copy" button on top. Then select your repeat group as target. From the good database design point of view, I would definitely not create own database table for each month. If you later want to display e.g. only...
  18. juuser

    pre-filtere issue with variable by url -- SOLVED --

    If you are trying to edit the record from the list url with pre-filter, then you probably need to add the same prefilter to your editing url. So add custom edit link in list settings. Just copy the "normal" edit link and add your prefilter part at the end.
  19. juuser

    List filter for databasejoin element rendered as multi-select dropdown problem

    Thanks for checking this! Strange, but also auto-complete filter doesn't seem to work as expected, still all the options (including data from not visible rows) is displayed / suggested. But anyway, in my case I need dropdown. Another weird thing, when I changed one filter in list to...
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