Search results

  1. PaulV888

    Issues with the "Enhanced Dropdowns (WIP)"

    Hi, Just sharing. I ran into 2 issues with the "Enhanced Dropdowns (WIP)" 1) Field sizing on forms does not work well after the upgrade, this problem was introduced by a conflict with cassiopeia, since it has a lot of .chosen css in it default template files. This is what a form looks like...
  2. PaulV888

    Joining to view

    When joining to a view this message "COM_FABRIK_LIST_JOIN_NO_PK_USED_ID" is shown. However this shows in the front-end now as well. Which it didn't use to do. It there a way to suppress it? Thanks,
  3. PaulV888

    End of row not properly set for Repeat row with multi colomns

    Hi, I found and issue with the repeat data form/group where a /div was missing and the row and fabrikSubGroups are not properly aligned. I traced it back to groupModel setColumnCss. This function does not set endRow when on the last element, if the last element does not end on the end of the...
  4. PaulV888

    Dropdown element does not handle datatype int , and not showing labels.

    Hi, I have numerous dropdowns that are setup with numeric key values and are defined as an INT in the db. These do not show labels anymore after upgrading. Front-end Setup DB Can we fix this by converting the search value in components/com_fabrik/model/elements.php/getLabelForValue to a...
  5. PaulV888

    Question on Search

    Anyone know what the status on search is? I cannot get Joomla4 com_search to work, reading that is will be decoupled but nothing on the official extensions. And as far as I know we dont have a smart search plugin for Fabrik?
  6. PaulV888

    Issue with old menu items (The requested page can't be found.)

    First; Thank you all for keeping Fabrik alive!!! Awesome job. I have been working on my site for a week now, and think I still have to find the first Fabrik issue. I have a bunch of old Fabrik lists menu items, that weren't causing an issue in J3 however create a Page not found, redirect error...
  7. PaulV888

    Cannot create new Fabrik Forum account

    Hi, I was trying to help someone on StackOverflow and suggested for her to come here. However new forum accounts can currently not be create since Capcha V1 shut down. See attachment. "Hi Paul, are you a member of the fabrik forum? I cannot create an account as their captcha is using V1 nor...
  8. PaulV888

    Questions on list JavaScript

    Hi, I was playing with list JavaScript based on this Wiki the other day and noticed 1) That the added event is fired for all your list on the current page. E.g. I have fabrik_list_1 and fabrik_list_2 on the page and create a list_1.js with a...
  9. PaulV888

    Lazy loading for list

    Hi, Did I tell you guys today, that I love Fabrik and its awesome community? Well I do :cool: So over the Easter weekend I was playing with my website to see if I can speed up my main dashboard. Researching http2, caching etc, but figuring out that the most time is spent building my about 10...
  10. PaulV888

    Getting Message PLG_FABRIK_SYSTEM_SEARCH_MEMORY_LIMIT from search plugin

    Tracing this back it seems like plugins/fabrik.php line 404 does not support the 1G yet. $memory = (int) FabrikString::rtrimword($memory, 'M') * 1000000; Changed my ini file to 1024M.
  11. PaulV888

    Databasejoin element description field does not line up

    Hi, Pre 3.8.2 the databasejoin descriptions nicely lined up with the dbjoin itself. I see that this coming from extra BR/ in the HTML generated. And it is coming from fabrik-element-databasejoin-form-final.php I am not sure if we need them here, however changing that layout template to the...
  12. PaulV888

    403 on WYSIWIG textarea, button - Image

    Hi, First of all, thank you Hugh and contributors!!! I just upgraded all to the latest and greatest (PHP 7, Latest github) and all went smooth. One issue I saw is when I click the Image/Media button on the MCE editor, I am getting an "403 You are not authorized to view this resource."...
  13. PaulV888

    FIxed: Related data list in popup window, is not setting data-rowid

    Hi, When I show related data on a list as popup, then the edit/detail buttons on the popup list do not have data-rowid's and thus not loading the next window properly. See image 1) List related data, as popup 2) Edit/Detail links do not have data-rowid setup, related data list Ajaxify Links...
  14. PaulV888

    Pivot list plug-in not summing anymore with custom links due to data-rowid

    Hi, I just updated a site and my pivot table list plugins are not working as expected anymore. If I use custom element links on my pivot tables (so the user can click and see the details of the where the data came from), then the pivot is recognizing the same groups anymore. On investigation I...
  15. PaulV888

    SOLVED: Refresh Rows question

    Hi, I used to be possible to refresh you ajax rows on a timer basis, I have a couple of lists on my dash-board which i refresh automatically with code like: <script type="text/javascript"> function updateList_list_212() { if (Fabrik.getBlock('list_212')) { if...
  16. PaulV888

    Bug? Placeholder value is html encoded

    Hi, So I was trying to retrieve records in a calc element, based on a value in a placeholder. Whenever the placeholder has a special html character in it, my select failed. I could not find where this happens, and you guys may have a good reason for doing it. This is my value in my table...
  17. PaulV888

    Missing/Extra children on removing one

    Hi, I ran into a problem on removing a child record. The first child is removed in addition to the one I wanted to remove, plus I am getting an extra empty one. Looks like some sort of 1-off error. I do not see any PHP or JS error. On trying to reproduce it, it does not seem to be consistent...
  18. PaulV888

    Undefined variable: properties in list.php on 5405

    Hi, I am getting this on a content plugin, trying to show a list. {fabrik view=list id=212} I looks like the content plug-in is maybe not handled in menuModulePrefilters(). A quick fix for me is to init $properties in the top of the function Line 5370: $properties = null; Regards, Paul...
  19. PaulV888

    Pivot table plugin - Grouping on database joined fields

    Hello, Issue: I want to group on database joined fields. I try to map several categories into 1 reporting category. When setting up this pivot then the individual counts on the row do not add up to the row totals. And the grand total does not add up to the row totals. Cause: Multiple rows...
  20. PaulV888

    Removing repeated rows in popup window not working

    Hi, I have an issue with removing repeated rows in a modal ajax window. On submitting I get following error message: Warning: array_diff(): Argument #1 is not an array in /home/public_html/components/com_fabrik/models/group.php on line 1332 {"msg":"Record...
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