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  1. bascherz

    Possible Table Column Deletions During Element Trash Empty

    I was emptying element trash just a little while ago and suddenly hundreds of users were complaining that the site was down. The amount of accumulated element trash was extremely high. I was just going through it trying to clean things up. Could this cause all but the id, name, and email...
  2. bascherz

    Strange List Behavior for Droplist Element

    Not sure how long this has been happening, but it might be a new thing? One of my lists uses an element I defined as a droplist. The element's Advanced PHP code is pretty much verbatim from the example there. It does a JOIN query to produce an option list. This works perfectly in the form for...
  3. bascherz

    Adding #__users to list join and publishing name field causes 500

    I have a list that has 3 inner joins: #__comprofiler to #__users on user_id=id #__comprofiler to #__zipcodes on cb_zip=zip #__zipcodes to #__district_names on district=id In all three cases above the column on the right is the primary key for that table. I need the name and email element...
  4. bascherz

    How to UNION two queries to make a Fabrik list?

    Hi all, I have these two queries that, when issued like this in mysql, provide me the absolutely perfect result. select r.* from requests r join zipcodes z join district_names d on and where d.lead={$my->id} union select r.* from requests r join zipcodes z join...
  5. bascherz

    Dropdown Element In Adv Search - Values Missing

    My list uses a couple dropdown elements and my users rely heavily on the Advanced Search feature of the front end lists. The element query is correct because when editing a record all the available choices are there in the list (over 14,000 of them!). However, when using Advanced Search on the...
  6. bascherz

    Dropdown element of a joined list is not saving

    I have a list that is a join of two tables and only one element in the associated form is writeable. The correct people have access, can select from the drop list and can click the save button, but the selected value is not being saved. No error message is output. What would cause this? Thanks...
  7. bascherz

    Dropdown element of a joined list is not saving

    I have a list that is a join of two tables and only one element in the associated form is writeable. The correct people have access, can select from the drop list and can click the save button, but the selected value is not being saved. No error message is output. What would cause this? Thanks...
  8. bascherz

    List JS Plugin - Fetching Row Data in List with JOINs

    Hey all, I have a list that is the JOIN of 3 tables. Two of them are users and comprofiler (to get user profile info). I have a little JS that works perfectly on another list that does not have JOINs (just a single table) and it works perfectly. But for some reason, the same JS does not work on...
  9. bascherz

    Passing data from PHP to JS in PHP code list plugin

    I have a table that contains user ids for which I can easily write PHP to do a row-by-row join query to get an array of email addresses. The PHP part I can handle. And I can prepare the entire "mailto:" link that I want to send to JS so it will do So, how do I get...
  10. bascherz

    Simple Question

    I am trying to define a self-populating element that simply looks-up its value from another database table. Pretty simple. There's a table that contains records with zip codes (zip) and states (st) among other elements. I want to retrieve "st" by querying the zipcodes table and there's an...
  11. bascherz

    Fatal Error on Joomla 3.9.22 Install

    Just tried to install Fabrik 3.9.2 on a Joomla 3.9.22 localhost site and got the following error: Fatal error: Cannot declare class Joomla\CMS\Form\FormField, because the name is already in use in /opt/lampp/htdocs/mysite/administrator/components/com_fabrik/classes/39/FormField.php on line 22...
  12. bascherz

    More Purity III Woes

    I am just starting to use Fabrik and wish I had known about it about 6 years ago! At the moment I have a Joomla 3.8.7 site using the latest T3 framework and Purity III template with Fabrik 3.1 and have a variety of issues. I did download and upload the overrides posted at...
  13. bascherz

    Advanced Search - Front/Back End Differences

    I am just starting to use Fabrik and wish I had known about it about 6 years ago! The problem I came here to describe needs visuals, which I cannot include without having some posts under my belt, so here is a problem I don't really need pictures to describe. Advanced search in the front and...
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