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  1. S

    Conditionally Change the $formModel property from insert to update in the php form plugin

    I have a table where I insert data. ... but if in a table row I find an email equal to that inserted in the form I would like to update this record, but not through my query, but directly from the form. My first query: $myrowid = Select id from utenti where email = myformemail if ( $myrowid ==...
  2. S

    How to set field readonly by php condition

    I have a form with the following fields: surname firstname email The name of table is user. When I open the form, if email is verified i would like the email field readonly I evaluate if email is verified through a php code, in particular a query to the database. It is possible to set the email...
  3. S

    Cascading drop down multiselect with checkbox

    Its possible to show a multiselect cascading drop down in computer desktop, like as in tablet? In computer desktop i have multiselect like in img 1 In Tablet i have multiselect with checkbox like this in img 2 Its possible to have it also in computer? Thank you
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