• Fabrik V4.4.1 is now available.

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    Turns out a code change intended for our 5.0dev branch inadvertantly got pushed to the 4.x branch (by me, duh!). The javascript structure in 5.0 will change considerably and part of that change took effect with the inadvertant code change.

    We have reverted the code change and released 4.4.1. V4.4 has been retracted.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.

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    See the details here

Can't create PDF from my own list template with custom calculations.

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I have made my own list template for multicolumn list. On my list i have standard fabrik calculations for some columns and my "manually written calculations". They are together on 1 list template.

My own calculations are written in default file for list template.
I can't create PDF for this list using my template with calculations.

I get an error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method DOMText::getAttribute() in /var/www/cc.joomla/libraries/dompdf/include/cellmap.cls.php on line 437

Cellmap.cls.php is:
$node = $frame->get_node();
  // Determine where this cell is going
  $colspan = $node->getAttribute("colspan");
  $rowspan = $node->getAttribute("rowspan");

  if ( !$colspan ) {
  $colspan = 1;

  if ( !$rowspan ) {
  $rowspan = 1;
  $key = $frame->get_id();

  $bp = $style->get_border_properties();

line 437 is:
$colspan = $node->getAttribute("colspan");

i use code like <td colspan="5"> for my custom calculations in file default.php

Exactly i would need in PDF "only summing part" on my list, = without table with records.

But now, on the beginning-to-get-PDF nothing is not send to PDF, PDF is not created at all.

Some piece of code for: /var/www/cc.joomla/components/com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl/default-2015-09-11-table-kp5/default.php
* Fabrik List Template: Default
* @package     Joomla
* @subpackage  Fabrik
* @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 Fabrik. All rights reserved.
* @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
            foreach ($group as $this->_row) :
                echo $this->loadTemplate('row');
        <?php if ($this->hasCalculations) : ?>
<tr class="fabrik_calculations">
                                        <td><table class="rysio1">
                     <?php   $h=0;
                          foreach ($this->calculations as $cal) {

if($h <= 1)  {
                               echo '<tr>';
                                        echo "<td>";
                                        echo array_key_exists($groupedby, $cal->grouped) ? $cal->grouped[$groupedby] : $cal->calc;
                                        echo "</td>";
                                        echo  "</tr>";
<td colspan="5"><table class="rysio1">
                     <?php  $j=0;

echo '<tr class="fabrik_calculations">';
                                        echo "<td>";
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$order1 =FabrikHelperElement::filterValue(11152); //with 81
echo "<br/>";
if (isset($order1)) {
$query = "SELECT  `ip2_zamowienie_symbol1` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_ip2_zamowienie`  WHERE  `id`= ".$order1."  ";
$result = $db->loadResult();
$zam1 = $result;
if ($order1==0) {
$zam1 = "Razem wszystkie zam?wienia";

echo " ---- <strong><font color='blue'> Zam?wienie nr: $zam1 </font></strong> ---- <br/><br/>";
                                        echo "</td>";

                        foreach ($this->calculations as $cal) {
if($j>=4 and $j<= 4)  {
                                 echo '<tr class="fabrik_calculations">';
                                        echo "<td>";
                                        echo array_key_exists($groupedby, $cal->grouped) ? $cal->grouped[$groupedby] : $cal->calc, $j;
                                        echo "</td>";
                                        echo  "</tr>";
}                            ?>

<?php  $n=0;
                        foreach ($this->calculations as $cal) {
if($n >= 19 and $n<20)  {
                                 echo '<tr class="fabrik_calculations">';
                                        echo "<td>";

echo "Test2 --- <strong>Suma pakietow AA, AB, AC, AD:</strong>  <br/><br/>";
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();

for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++){

if ($order1==0){
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_xxxx`, `field_pakiety_analogowe` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE ( `rodzaj_karty_np_wzorzec`= '2' and `field_pakiety_analogowe`=".$i.") ORDER BY `id`";
else {
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_xxxx`, `field_pakiety_analogowe`  FROM `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE ( `zamow_symbol`=".$order1."  and `field_pakiety_analogowe`=".$i.") ORDER BY `id`";

$result = $db->loadResult();

$resaa = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resaa))
       $rrraa[$n]=  $row['is_pak_xxxx'];
$n++;               }

if ($order1==0){
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_xxab`, `field_pakiety_analogowe` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE ( `rodzaj_karty_np_wzorzec`= '2' and `field_pakiety_analogowe`=".$i.") ORDER BY `id`";

else {
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_xxab`, `field_pakiety_analogowe`  FROM `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE ( `zamow_symbol`=".$order1." and `field_pakiety_analogowe`=".$i.")  ORDER BY `id`";

$result = $db->loadResult();
$resab = mysql_query($query);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resab))
       $rrraa[$n]=  $row['is_pak_xxab'];

if ($order1==0){
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_xxac`, `field_pakiety_analogowe` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE ( `rodzaj_karty_np_wzorzec`= '2' and `field_pakiety_analogowe`=".$i.") ORDER BY `id`";

else {
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_xxac`, `field_pakiety_analogowe`  FROM `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE (`zamow_symbol`=".$order1." and `field_pakiety_analogowe`=".$i.")  ORDER BY `id`";

$result = $db->loadResult();
$resac = mysql_query($query);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resac))
       $rrraa[$n]=  $row['is_pak_xxac'];
$n++;               }

if ($order1==0){
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_xxad`, `field_pakiety_analogowe` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE ( `rodzaj_karty_np_wzorzec`= '2' and `field_pakiety_analogowe`=".$i.") ORDER BY `id`";

else {
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_xxad`, `field_pakiety_analogowe`  FROM `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE ( `zamow_symbol`=".$order1." and `field_pakiety_analogowe`=".$i.")  ORDER BY `id`";

$result = $db->loadResult();
$resad = mysql_query($query);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resad))
       $rrraa[$n]=  $row['is_pak_xxad'];
$n++;               }

$newrrraa = array_count_values($rrraa);
                                foreach ($newrrraa as $key => $value) {
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_wejsc_analog_aa` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_is_aa` WHERE `id`=$key ";
$result2 = $db->loadResult();

$query3 = "SELECT  `is_pak_wejsc_analog_n_i_w` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_is_pak_wa` WHERE `id`=$i ";
$result3 = $db->loadResult();
echo "<strong> $result3 -- $result2 ---- <font color='red'>$value</font></strong> <br />"; }


echo "<br/>";

echo "</td>";
                                        echo  "</tr>";
}                            ?>

  <?php  $j=0;
                        foreach ($this->calculations as $cal) {
if($j>=6 and $j<= 7)  {
                                 echo '<tr class="fabrik_calculations">';
                                        echo "<td>";
                                        echo array_key_exists($groupedby, $cal->grouped) ? $cal->grouped[$groupedby] : $cal->calc, $j;
                                        echo "</td>";
                                        echo  "</tr>";
}                            ?>

                                       <td colspan="3"><table class="rysio1">
                     <?php  $k=0;
                        foreach ($this->calculations as $cal) {
if($k >= 8 and $k<=10)  {
                                 echo '<tr class="fabrik_calculations">';
                                        echo "<td>";
                                        echo array_key_exists($groupedby, $cal->grouped) ? $cal->grouped[$groupedby] : $cal->calc, $k;
                                        echo "</td>";

   echo  "</tr>";
<?php  $i=0;
                        foreach ($this->calculations as $cal) {

if($i >= 11 and $i<=18)  {
                                 echo '<tr class="fabrik_calculations">';
                                        echo "<td>";
                                        echo array_key_exists($groupedby, $cal->grouped) ? $cal->grouped[$groupedby] : $cal->calc;
                                        echo "</td>";
                                        echo  "</tr>";}

echo "</table>";

                                        echo "</td>";
                                        echo  "</tr>";


                        <?php    endif;?>


        $this->showGroup = false;

        // If using AJAX then we need to add in enough groupdata containers for additonal rows that may be shown

my list is here:

Neccessary is login, should be actual login for Fabrik Staff in my profile.


  • Zaznaczenie_084.png
    65.2 KB · Views: 622
Last edited:
This is a DOMPdf error, no Fabrik one.
Which exact Fabrik version are you running (must be a GitHub version including the DOMPdf lib)?

Do you have a list PDF template?
DOMPdf has it's restrictions, you must adapt the template used for the PDF output.
I can't replicate your error, it's creating the PDF.
But with DOMPdf you can run into runtime limits depending on list size etc.
I have made big error - lost <tr> in my code.

Now, pdf is created but without my own calculations.
I need in PDF all calculations (fabrik and my own calculation).
I would need also PDF that include only summing (calculations) under table with records.


  • __ REJESTR pakietów produkcyjnych - nowa wersja sum-1.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 560
Create an extra PDF template.
DOMPdf is converting what it gets from your template in HTML.
Maybe you must adapt your CSS, e.g.DOMPdf can't handle float.
I have created my own list template with my custom calculations by changing file default.php - sample of code is in first post.
Code for those own-calculations is in php not html.
I can duplicate my directory with list template and create one independent list template for PDF purpose.

But have no idea how to modify my own-calculations written in php to get them in PDF.

Is any tip how to do this or any steeps?
My own calculations are marked on screen shoot : Test2 - Test8.
Those without Testx - header-line are fabrik calculations.

Code for Test3: (in file default.php)
<?php  $n=0;
                        foreach ($this->calculations as $cal) {
if($n >= 19 and $n<20)  {
                                 echo '<tr class="fabrik_calculations">';
                                        echo "<td>"; 
echo "Test3 --- <strong>Suma pakietow dwustanowych IA,IC,IE:  </strong>";
if ($order1==0){
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_dwus_ia`, `pd_ia`, `konfig_napiecie` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE  `rodzaj_karty_np_wzorzec`= '2'  ORDER BY `id`";
$query1 = "SELECT  `pd_ia` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE  `rodzaj_karty_np_wzorzec`= '2'  ORDER BY `id`";
else {
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_dwus_ia`, `pd_ia`, `konfig_napiecie` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE  `zamow_symbol`=".$order1."  ORDER BY `id`";
$query1 = "SELECT  `pd_ia` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr` WHERE  `zamow_symbol`=".$order1."  ORDER BY `id`";
$result = $db->loadResult();

$resaa = mysql_query($query);


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resaa))   {
       $rrraa[$n]=  $row['is_pak_dwus_ia'];
       $t=$rrrnap[$n] = $row['konfig_napiecie'];
       $m=$rrrquan[$n] = $row['pd_ia'];
       $g = (int)$row['pd_ia'];

if (!($g==0)) {
for ($h=$i; $h<$i+$g; $h++) {
if ($t==1)
$wynik220[$h] =  $row['is_pak_dwus_ia'];
if ($t==2)
$wynik110[$h] =  $row['is_pak_dwus_ia'];

$newrrraa = array_count_values($rrraa);
$newrrrquan = array_count_values($rrrquan);
$newwynik110 = array_count_values($wynik110);
$newwynik220 = array_count_values($wynik220);

echo "<br/><br/>";
                                foreach ($newwynik220 as $key => $value) {
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_dwus_ia` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_is_pak_dwus_ia` WHERE `id`=$key ";
$result1 = $db->loadResult();
echo "<strong>Pakiety 220V: $result1</strong> ------ <strong><font color='red'>$value</font></strong> <br />"; }
                               foreach ($newwynik110 as $key => $value) {
$query = "SELECT  `is_pak_dwus_ia` FROM  `ccjom_cc_kk_is_pak_dwus_ia` WHERE `id`=$key ";
$result1 = $db->loadResult();
echo "<strong>Pakiety 110V: $result1 ------ <font color='red'>$value</font></strong> <br />"; }
echo "<br/>";


  • Zaznaczenie_085.png
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Not sure what are yours, I can't see anything marked.

But I assume you don't have a "clean" HTML structure, DOMPdf is very sensitive and doesn't support any possible thinkable structure (e.g. I don't know if your can use nested tables...)
Sorry, it is really not clear what is calculation: Test2, Test3, ...
Can you look at new screen shoot?


  • Zaznaczenie_085a.png
    184.8 KB · Views: 557
My suggestion would be to take your PDF template's output, by using the tmpl=component link, and run it through validator.w3.org, to make sure it is valid HTML. If it has any warnings or errors, fix those, and try it as PDF again.

-- hugh
Looking at your site http://candc.katowice.pl/index.php/menu-karta-produkcji/adm-rejestr-pak-prod3?tmpl=component
with web developer (FF addon) it's blaming the <font... tag
which is not longer a valid HTML tag.
No idea if this is breaking DOMPdf but you should replace it (use e.g. <span style="color:red">...)

But there's a lot of other stuff missing in the PDF, not only your own calculation.
You should really create a very simple plain HTML stucture.
I also try something with this PDF and i change code where is my own calculation to:
<?php  $n=0;

                        foreach ($this->calculations as $cal) {

if($n >= 18 and $n<19)  {
                                 echo '<tr class="fabrik_calculations">';
                                        echo "<td>";

echo "Test2 --- <strong>Suma pakietow AA, AB, AC, AD:</strong>  <br/><br/>";
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();

Earlier was:
if($n >= 19 and $n<20) {

Now, my own calculations appear on PDF, but columns are very wide and ugly,
doesn't work in my code:
<td colspan="5">
and others:
<td colspan="3">
I will try this hugh!
Now i get PDF with all calculations, but this PDF is ugly.

Is any way to modify list-template-for-PDF to get only summing/calculations = without table with records ?


  • __ REJESTR pakietów produkcyjnych - nowa wersja sum-14.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 572
In the PDF template don't do
            foreach ($group as $this->_row) :
                echo $this->loadTemplate('row');
(Assuming you are using a copy of the default template)
PDF ugly: That's what I've said. You must adapt your HTML and CSS for DOMPdf.
Thanks troester - i remove the code you have mentioned (and table doesn't appear on PDF), i also removed some other lines of code in default.php and also "headings" with column headers are not appear.
Now my PDF is what i need.


  • -- REJESTR pakietów produkcyjnych (2).pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 579
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