Created_by_alias issue


New Member
I've just installed Fabrik V4-2. Fabrik properly updates the created_by_alias field in the fabrik_elements and fabrik_forms files but will not update the created_by_alias field in the fabrik_lists file. I've fixed the problem temporarily by allowing nulls in fabrik_lists' created_by_alias field. But is this problem caused by a bug, or am I missing something?
Not sure what you mean.
All created_by_alias columns are NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
and it was already NOT NULL in Fabrik 3.

Why did you allow NULL?

The latest Fabrik is V 4.4.1 (but I think there's no DB change to V 4.2).
From which J! and Fabrik did you update?
Fabrik 4 updates assume you were running the latest J!3.10.12 and the latest Fabrik 3.10
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Perhaps I wasn't clear. When I use Fabrik to create a form, it properly populates the "created_by_alias" field in the fabrik_forms file. When I use Fabrik to create a list, however, it does not populate the "created_by_alias" field, which causes Fabrik to issue an error message stating, in essence, that the field cannot be blank (can't remember the exact wording of the message).
Something seems to be wrong with your DB.

1. created_by_alias is NOT NULL DEFAULT '', so blank field would be possible
2. Fabrik is setting created_by and created_by_alias if a new list is created.

As I said
The latest Fabrik is V 4.4.1 (but I think there's no DB change to V 4.2).
From which J! and Fabrik did you update?
Fabrik 4 updates assume you were running the latest J!3.10.12 and the latest Fabrik 3.10
I am building a new site. I did not upgrade from a previous version of Fabrik. I installed Fabrik 4.4.1 on top of !4.4.4 Joomla, with PHP 8.1.13 and mysql 9.0.1. At the outset, I made no changes in Fabrik's database files.

When I attempted to create a list with the fabrik_lists table in stock condition, I received the following error: "Fabrik error storing list data: Field 'created_by_alias' doesn't have a default value."

As originally installed, the structure of the created_by_alias field in the fabrik_lists table was as follows:
name: "created_by_alias"; type: "varchar"; length/values: "255"; default "none"; collation: "utf8mb3_general_ci"; all other attributes blank or unchecked.
Not replicatable and nobody else has this issue.

I just tested again (php8.1, J!4.4.9, new Fabrik 4.4.1 installation):
  • fabrik_lists.created_by_alias has is_nullable=no and column_default='' (as any other created_by_alias column in Joomla and Fabrik)
  • On list creation Fabrik sets created_by to userId and created_by_alias to the user name
Does your DB user have the correct privileges?