Databasejoin: can label appear differently in Form and Details?

Joomla 5.2.1
Fabrik 4.4.1
PHP 8.2.25

I have a databasejoin element to insert a person's name from another table. In the form, I would like the dropdown label to be styled lastname, firstname but on the details page I want the name to display as firstname lastname. But if I set the Concat label field to lastname, firstname the details displays in the same way. I'm using a custom details template but the same happens with the default bootstrap template.

In the names table, there are fields for firstname, lastname and name and as I'm storing the id, then theoretically I should be able to access any of those fields. But if I examine the fields available in the template using "print_r($this->groups);" I can only see the firstname, lastname.

Is there a way to achieve this?
You can use an additional dbjoin element or CDD with the label you need, hidden by access settings in form view, watchting the other dbjoin