Fabrik 3.8 puts Joomla 3.8.5 in timeout when saving / closing some fields definitions

Configuring Fabrik 3.8, I have from time to time a complete freeze of my joomla website 3.8.5 when I save or close some pages from Fabrik ( site is timing out after that during 20/25 min ).
Anyone would have some insights ?
Of course, I checked creating new articles, menus etc... and no issues, it only applies when I use Fabrik
Thanks !
You mean your site is blocked for 20 minutes?
So no php timeout but something like a server blocking?
And do you mean when saving things like forms or elements on the backend, or when submitting a form on the front end?

-- hugh
Hi ,
yes, I have a timeout php
It is on both . When I try to fill a form as well as changing some stuff in the elements configuration
If it's a php timeout you should increase the max_execution_time.
But I can's see how this should block your site for 20 minutes.
Did you set Joomla error reporting to max?
Error messages?
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