Highlight a cell on a worksheet depending on Yes or No


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How can I highlight a cell on a sheet depending on the content Yes or No?


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In the element's config, under "List view settings", set "Use as row class" to yes. Then use custom CSS to highlight the cell as you like.
BTW, are you using Joomla 2.5 and Fabrik 3.0? Because this is the forum for it.
For newer versions please use the one for Joomla 3.0+ and Fabrik 3.1+. Thank you.
Thanks. And how can you make a condition in css?
For example: If the value in the cell is "YES", then the cell is red, if "No", then the cell is yellow.

I use Joomla 3+ and Fabrik 3.1+
See WIKI or tooltip
If Yes then each of the list view's rows will have this elements value added as an additional class name. This allows you to format rows based on the view's data. As CSS classes cannot start with a number, if your data starts with a number, we will prepend the element (short) name to the class name, like myelement3 instead of just 3.
Use your browser dev tool to examine the exact CSS class added to your list row (depending on your list template you'll see something like
<tr class="... your-value1 your-element-your-value1...>
<tr class="... your-value2 your-element-your-value2...>
Then add custom CSS for all possible classes, e.g.
tr.your-value1 td {background:yellow}
troster this works to highlight the row. Is there any way to highlight just a cell? BTW - I had to turn off stripped in the table format to make it apply to all rows.
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