
Hi guys,

I have an issue with my native Joomla articles frontend EDIT button - it simply creates a new article instead of allowing me to edit the existing article.

To troubleshoot this (since nobody on the Joomla forum have heard about this before) I step by step disable extensions to see if/when the bug stops.

When I came to disabling FABRIK I searched in extensions for everything related to FABRIK (to disable it) and it turns out that when I disable SYSTEM-FABRIK the ability to set Language and Levels in my standard Joomla articles disappear!!!

So now I'm getting a bit worried - is FABRIK messing up my site? Or are there good explanations to this.

Hope somebody in here can help.

Thanks, John
Which exact Joomla, Fabrik, php version?

There's an override which misses to check if Fabrik is running.
But this is only about display, it shouldn't mess up anything.
Re-enable the Fabrik System plugin for now.

Thread moved to Fabrik 4 forum.
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don't know what has happened - but it works now.
I installed Jfilters (as an alternative) which required re-indexing - but I don't know if hat is what did it.

btw - are there any FABRIK use-cases explaining table relations ?

(would like to build my own CRM system in FABRIK (which could be a case study in its own right), but are having difficulties understanding how to make the normal database flows - as I know them from ACCESS, PARADOX, NINOX, FILEMAKER etc.))
My article frontend editor still creates NEW articles instead of opening in edit-mode when pressing the edit button, and the article in question, gets checked-out.
And still, when disabling FABRIK extension part, the Access level + Language is no longer accessible, and I have discovered that the same goes for CUSTOM FIELDS.
My first priority is that my site works flawlessly - having installed FABRIK is about figuring out if it can be used for CRM purposes.
Not sure about your setup.

Edit in backend:
You must have the Fabrik System plugin enable to avoid this "missing field" issue.
Or go to administrator\templates\atum\html\layouts
and rename /joomla to something else (but don't run Fabrik in this case).

Edit in frontend:
The mentioned override is only for the backend template, so I don't think this "new article" is related to Fabrik.
And with frontend editing there's no Access setting (in the standard editor).
My article frontend editor...
Which one? Did you try with J!s TinyMCE?
The backend fields issue will be fixes with the next release.

Frontend doesn't seem to be related to Fabrik.