Fabrik 3.10, j!3.10.12 converted to Fabrik 4.0 official release, J!4.4.2
Fabrik fabrikar-fabrik-e6d9a07b9143 (2024-05-09) git kit update
SEF & URL rewrite on
Setting List -> Details -> Links -> Edit Icon = <any valid image> is ignored.
I have found that if I modify components\com_fabrik\models\list.php near line 1576:
...and modify components\com_fabrik\layouts\listactions\fabrik-edit-button.php near line 25:
...correctly displays the custom icon. Something similar needs to happen with the details and delete buttons.
Fabrik fabrikar-fabrik-e6d9a07b9143 (2024-05-09) git kit update
SEF & URL rewrite on
Setting List -> Details -> Links -> Edit Icon = <any valid image> is ignored.
I have found that if I modify components\com_fabrik\models\list.php near line 1576:
$displayData->list_edit_link_icon = $params->get('list_edit_link_icon', 'edit');
//++ thm 2024-06-27 - handle alternate images
if ($displayData->list_edit_link_icon !== 'edit') {
$displayData->list_edit_link_icon = FabrikHelperHTML::image($displayData->list_edit_link_icon, 'list', '', array('alt' => $editLabel));
} else {
$displayData->list_edit_link_icon = '<span class="fa fa-edit"></span>';
//-- thm 2024-06-27 - handle alternate images
$layout = $this->getLayout('listactions.fabrik-edit-button');
...and modify components\com_fabrik\layouts\listactions\fabrik-edit-button.php near line 25:
title="<?php echo $d->editLabel;?>">
<?php echo $d->list_edit_link_icon; ?>
<?php echo $d->editText; ?></a>
...correctly displays the custom icon. Something similar needs to happen with the details and delete buttons.
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