• Fabrik V4.4.1 is now available.

    This version corrects the Admin issue introduced by V4.4. V4.4.1 is available through the Joomla Updater or for download through your My Downloads area of our website.

    Turns out a code change intended for our 5.0dev branch inadvertantly got pushed to the 4.x branch (by me, duh!). The javascript structure in 5.0 will change considerably and part of that change took effect with the inadvertant code change.

    We have reverted the code change and released 4.4.1. V4.4 has been retracted.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

$model null in list php_events plugins

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After the problem with $formModel null in form onBeforeProcess plugins was sorted out, I found that there was a similar problem with deleting records from a list. For this, I use onDeleteRows in the php_events plugin. After a bit of investigation, I changed plugins/fabrik_list/php_events/php_events.php line 279 to:

$ret = Php::Eval(['code' => $code, 'vars' => ['args'=>$args, 'model' => $model]]);

That fixed it. Is it the right thing to do?

Incidentally, I notice that the changelog entry for the $formModel problem includes:
Add variables to Php::Eval also in case of additional php-file
Although I am using an additional php-file, I use pre-fixed variable names throughout. I only use $formModel and $model themselves as parameters in function calls in the forms’ php plug-ins’ php code boxes and the lists’ php_events plug-ins’ onDeleteRows code boxes.
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