Solved pdf attachment blank


Active Member
Fabrik 4.4.1 J!4.4.9
Hi I am using the form option:
Attach as PDF - Attach the submitted record's detail view as a PDF document. The PDF is rendered using the form's PDF template.

When i submit the form there is a pdf attached but it is blank.
I have tried using both default and bootstrap options for the rendering.
This was working on the older version of fabrik 4.
Is anyone else having this issue?
I can't replicate (with F4.5).
F4.4.1 is not the latest one.

A PDF is attached but empty? Can you open it with an editor like Notepad++, does it contain something?

Did you try to create a PDF via PDF button?
Hi thanks for the reply.
I updated to 4.5 and php8.3
Global >PDF Library is set to DOMPDF

In the backend When i open list > view data >details view link > click pdf then it downloads the pdf with no issue.

In the frontend > details view > the link to the pdf is as follows
But nothing happens when i click on it, it just reloads the details view of the form entry again.

PDF attachment in the email
I opened the pdf that was sent in the email - the pdf is blank if i open it in text editor /sublime text i can see the following code (see pdf-blank.txt file as i couldn't paste the code here)

So there is a problem with the pdf attachment and accessing pdf in the frontend it seems.
Thanks for any help in fixing this.


  • pdf-blank.txt
    922 bytes · Views: 19
Yes it was the SEF URL's i turned them off and the pdf can be downloaded from the frontend, however the attachment is still blank in the email.
If i can't get the pdf attachment working in the email attachment is there any way i can craft a url to the users pdf output (they are logged in to the frontend of the website) so for example using {$my->id} in the link for example?
So each user has his 'own' record and must be logged in to see it?
Do you have a prefilter or a form with usekey= userelement and rowid=-1?

You can include the PDF link into the email (use e.g. rowid={rowid}) and a hint like "you must be logged in to use this link"

But actually the attachment should do...
Hi Troester
SOLVED - it was due to ACL settings so not a fabrik error.
On submission of the form the user is in the "registered" group, however the View records / View List / Edit Record level was set to another custom group (completed claims).

To handle it I created a third group called "pdf viewer" which includes "registered" + "completed claims" groups and set it to "View Records"

The attachment is now populated in the email.

Thank you for helping me with this, it hadn't occurred to me but your last post got me thinking!