Print field from databasejoin element in Email


Hi Fabrikars, I need some advice on how to process in this case...
I have 2 list :
  • audition-session
  • audition-inscription
In the audition-session liste i Have:
  • name of the session, (field)
  • date beginning of the session, (jdate)
  • date ending of the session, (jdate)
  • price of the session, (field)
In the audition-inscription I have:
  • a preselect audition-session, (databasejoin)
  • name of the susbscriber, (field)
  • email of the subscriber, (field)

When the subsciber has finish sending the form he recieve an email with the info he sent.

I would like to have some info from the audition-session in this email.
If I put {auditions_inscriptions___session} in the email, i get the name of the session (this is how the databasejoin element is parameted).
But how to call the price {auditions_session___price} of the session and/or other information in THIS email ?

Thanks in advance for any advice :)
With the placeholder you can only show information which is in the form.
You can
  • set the dbjoin to use "or concat label" for showing more elements of audition-session record
  • or use a php template where you can combine whatever informations via database queries etc.
Hi troester, thanks for the advice.
I will try the PHP template which I'm already using.
I will probably come back to correct my query :)
I have teested this Query in a calc element and it worked.
Now when I try it in my php template, the value is empty... Any one has an idea ?
$id ='{abs_auditions_inscriptions___session_raw}';

$db = FabrikWorker::GetDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($db->quoteName('id').' = '.$db->quote($id));
$prix = $db->loadResult();
return $prix; // I cut this part in my PHP Template

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I think in a php template you can't use placeholders (only in HTML/article template or code fields).

Try with the examples given in the php form plugin
$regions = $formModel->formData['countries___regions'];

var_dump or dump to see what you get.
Hi troester,
I've tried using placeholders in PHP templates because of this topic.
Maybe i did not understood everything there ? But When I tried this code in my PHP template (nothing to do here, but just to show that it works) :
// Prepare parent or actor's name
$nomParent = $this->data['abs_auditions_inscriptions___parent_nom'] ;
$prenomActeur = $this->data['abs_auditions_inscriptions___prenom'] ;
<p style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Bonjour
    <!-- Echo Parent's or actor's name -->
    if(empty($nomParent)) {
        echo $prenomActeur;
    } else {
        echo $nomParent ;
It works...
So I looked at your answer and changed my code with this one :
$id = $this->data['abs_auditions_inscriptions___session_raw'];

$db = FabrikWorker::GetDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($db->quoteName('id').' = '.$db->quote($id));
$prix = $db->loadResult();

If I make a var dump on $id, i get this in my email ->
Var_dump = array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "3" }
But I can't get the price with it :
<?php echo $prix ?>
is empty... Any advice ?
Hi @achartier and @troester
I have add a PHP plugin on my form.
For all my tests below i choose the location "getTopContent".

So... With this code :
$id ='{abs_auditions_inscriptions___session_raw}';

$db = FabrikWorker::GetDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($db->quoteName('id').' = 3');
$prix = $db->loadResult();

return '<div class="uk-text-large">ID de la session est <span class=" uk-text-bold uk-text-danger">'.$id.'</span> et le prix de la même session est : <span class=" uk-text-bold uk-text-success">'.$prix.'</div>';
I can get my Price - Hourra, but the ID is not dynamic here, I put it manually :

But as soon i try a dynamic solution, it is not working (though the same code work in CALC element).
So with this code
$id ='{abs_auditions_inscriptions___session_raw}';

$db = FabrikWorker::GetDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($db->quoteName('id').' = '.$db->quote($id));
$prix = $db->loadResult();

return '<div class="uk-text-large">ID de la session est <span class=" uk-text-bold uk-text-danger">'.$id.'</span> et le prix de la même session est : <span class=" uk-text-bold uk-text-success">'.$prix.'</div>';
or this one :
$id ='{abs_auditions_inscriptions___session_raw}';

$db = FabrikWorker::GetDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($db->quoteName('id').' = '.$db->quote($id[0]));
$prix = $db->loadResult();

return '<div class="uk-text-large">ID de la session est <span class=" uk-text-bold uk-text-danger">'.$id.'</span> et le prix de la même session est : <span class=" uk-text-bold uk-text-success">'.$prix.'</div>';

I'm now sure there's an issue in my DBquery but can't find which one. If anyone would have a suggestion ?
var_dump/dump your variables to see what you get and have a look at the string length.
I assume it's showing something like $id= "3" string(42).

There are places where you can't use element placeholders in php code because the replacement is only done afterwards.
So I assume in the php code (query and return string) it's always ....'{abs_auditions_inscriptions___session_raw}'..., so $prix is not found but the id is replaced afterwards.
(May be very confusing, I had to learn it, too.)
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Hi @wezetel - No sorry, I get an 1064 error with that one :)
Hi @troester - You are right : When a I do a var_dump on $id assigned with :
$id ='{abs_auditions_inscriptions___session_raw}';
I get "string(42) "3""
And when I do a var_dump on $id assigned with :
$id = $formModel->getElementData('abs_auditions_inscriptions___session', true);
I get "string(0) """
I'm a bit lost and open to any advice :)
Try the other options for accessing form data
To quickly see the structure of your form's data set this as your code:

echo "<pre>";print_r($formModel->data);exit;
echo "<pre>";print_r($formModel->formData);exit;
echo "<pre>";print_r($data);exit;
$formModel->_data; // for getTopContent, getBottomContent, getEndContent - use full element names: 'table___element'
I would use var_dump instead of print_r.

Sometimes you can also use just $data (don't ask...)
Another try: cast your $id to an integer:
$id =(int)'{abs_auditions_inscriptions___session_raw}';
and use my propsed staement for the query