Rollover issue


New Member
Good day all, thank you for the great product. I'm having an issue with a new form I've put up on my radio website.

Here is a link to the live form so you can see for yourself.

For some reason, when you roll your mouse over the first column, it disappears.

How do I prevent this from happening?

Thank you!
At least this is not Fabrik.
Maybe better don't use these modules/JS/whatever.

Fabrik relies on standard Bootstrap and JS coming with Joomla.
It's a page loading issue only showing up if the page has not finished loading and you are already hovering over tooltips.
As a workaround you can add
/*Prevent the tooltip from hiding the labels.*/
.form-label.fabrikLabel {
    display: block !important;

as custom CSS in your Fabrik form template or as a hack in fabrik.css.
It's a page loading issue only showing up if the page has not finished loading and you are already hovering over tooltips.
As a workaround you can add
/*Prevent the tooltip from hiding the labels.*/
.form-label.fabrikLabel {
    display: block !important;

as custom CSS in your Fabrik form template or as a hack in fabrik.css.
Thank you! That code worked. I'll do some digging about helix.

Typically you generate the module the same way and all you do in Helix is place it on the page.
