Some issues


Hello everyone,

In my last post “Problem with email button” I uploaded a fix in GitHub, since then I have a lot of problems:

If I move an element in the backoffice to organize my form - It doesn't move in the frontoffice so my layout is distorted

javascript validations no longer work either

is there a way to correct all these problems?
I've tried to restore the original files from version 4.4.1 but without success.

"Some issues" is not very informative...
It would be useful to include a link to posts you are referring to.

I uploaded a fix in GitHub
What does this mean, what have you done exactly?

Do you have a backup?


Restoring the backup should do in any case.

But it should also be enough to re-install Fabrik4.4.1.

In general:
I can't see that a (successful) GitHub update should do anything with element positioning.

But after a GitHub update you should always refresh the Joomla and the browser cache to avoid getting cached JS etc.