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Two columns in pdf layout


Hi everyone.
I'm about to transfer the site from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 with Fabrik attached.
On a test environment I am carrying out various tests of the various lists to correct any errors.
In the custom pdf layout I can't get the two columns and the three columns in the same row.
The guide here:
it refers to fabrik 3 and an old version of dompdf and bootstrap.
Can you help me fix the layout?
Thank you all.
Thanks for your guidance, finally after two months I understood why it wasn't working.
I knew about the move to bootstrap 5, but even though I made changes to the custom css file it didn't work.
Actually, when moving from fabrik 3 to 4, I was using the old custom output.
So the changes were not recalled.
By modifying the new Fabrik 4 bootstrap template and making changes to the custom css. Now everything works.

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