YesNo field clickable in a listview


New Member
Is it possible to make a YesNo field clickable in a listview so that i can change the value without opening the edit-form?
No. We are planning to implement something which would do this, but we don't have it yet.

Only alternative is to use the inline edit list plugin.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh,

Is it possible now ?.... can we do like in admin page 'published/unpublished' in list view without opening any form or popup but just single click.

To simulate you can add a php plugin to toggle or two update_column plugins.
Or if you really, really want it. You can make a list clickable field by displaying it a calculation field with some JS event attached that would call the back-end to update the field. Please note that in the example below I am actually updating another table which only has the id and the update-able field published. Like this I did not have to pass all form fields back. As I saw Hugh suggesting in another post, you can do this probably less hacky by using the ajax_user framework.


$booticons  = array( 0 => "icon-remove color-red",  1 => "icon-clock color-green") ;
if (array_key_exists($myval, $booticons)) {
  $myret = '<i class="condensed-icon '.$booticons[$myval];
  $myret.= '">';
  $myret.= '</i>';

$myvalnot = ($myval == "1" ? "0" : "1");
$params = Array ( 'ha_timers___id'=>$myrow, 'ha_timers___active[0]'=>$myvalnot, 'listid' => 240,
                  'listref'=>240, 'rowid'=>$myrow, 'Itemid'=>451, 'option'=>'com_fabrik' ,
                  'task'=>'form.process', 'formid'=>228, 'returntoform'=>0, 'fabrik_ajax'=>1,
                  'package'=>'fabrik', 'format'=>'raw', 'Submit'=>'');

$result = '<p  style="cursor:pointer" onclick="jQuery.ajax(
        url : &QUOT;'.$myurl.'&QUOT;,
        type: &QUOT;POST&QUOT;,
        data : '.htmlentities(json_encode($params)).',
        async : false
    return false;
return $result;

:) Oh the wonderful stuff Fabrik will let you do :)
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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