The chart visualization uses Google's charting api to render charts
Template - The template to use to display the chart. Templates can be found in components/com_fabrik/plugins/Visualizations/chart/views/chart/tmpl
Chart type - The chart type you want to render
Single Line Chart
Multi Line Chart
Horizontal Bar Chart
Vertical Bar Chart
Horizontal Bar Chart (Grouped)
Vertical Bar Chart (Grouped)
Pie chart
3D Pie chart
Scatter plot
Fill line graph - Should the line graphs be filled or shown as a single line?
Show legend - Should the legend be shown?
Width - The width in pixels of the chart
Height - The height in pixels of the chart
chds - overrides the default chart data size - enter the min and max values required separated by a comma. If no data entered then the data passed to the chart's min and max values are used. E.g. 0, 50
chxl - Enter some custom axis labels, e.g. 0,10,20,30,40,50. If nothing entered then only the min and max labels are shown
chg - Add grid lines to the chart - e.g. 10,0,3,3 will add a dashed (3x3) grid every ten units on the x-axis only
Connection - Connect up some of your existing Fabrik tables to the chart by selecting the Fabrik connection in which they will be found
Table - The fabrik table whose data you want to display in the chart
Element - The element that contains the data to chart - if you have calculations applied to any Elements these will also be listed here. You can't mix calculations and element data in the same chart.
Legend label - A descriptive label of the data
Colour - A hex colour (e.g. #00ff00) to use when rendering the graph
Axis label - The element whose data will be shown on the data axis
Axis measurement unit - E.g. 'cm', '%'
Where - add an optional where statement to filter the data set to be plotted to the graph - e.g. 'name="rob"' (don't include the outer quotes)
Below is an example of the output that can be generated by the chart