Creates an html <button> in form view (does not display in list view).
The button text is derived from the label setting, and
Javascript actions can be added from within the
Javascript tab.
Note that a submit button is automatically added to the form, so creating an element to do the same function is not required.
- Bootstrap class - Button class to assign.
- Bootstrap icon - E.g. 'icon-user'. Places a Bootstrap icon inside the button
Bootstrap icons
Bootstrap reference ( shows icons, but they are not all included in Joomla
Glyphicons are built from a simple png-file, while Icomoon is a font. This means that Icomoon icons are scalable and will always look good, while the Glyphicons will look bad when made bigger.
Icomoon will look better on high pixel density smartphones displays.
Link to URL. Add a
Javascript event on 'click', which does
window.location.href = 'your.url';
To open in New Window ('your.url');
Another example from Hugh
From this
forum post. To get a URL from another element called some_element and open it in a new window.
var url = form_123.formElements.get('yourtable___some_element').getValue();;
Or to open it in the same window.
For Fabrik 3.1 this would be
var url =Fabrik.getBlock('form_123').formElements.get('yourtable___some_element').getValue();;