Display text element

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      Access element (+)
      Birthday element
      Button element
      Calculation element
      Captcha element
      Checkbox element
      Colour Picker element
      Count element (+)
      Database join element
      Date element
      Digg element
      Display text element
      Dropdown element
      Facebook Like element
      Field element
      File Upload element
      Folder element
      Google Map element
      Image element
         Image databese join
      Internal id element
      IP element
      J!Date element
      Kaltura element
      Link element
      Notes element
      OpenStreetMap element
      Picklist element
      Radio Button element
      Rating element
      Sequence element
      Slider element
      Tags element
      Textarea element
      Thumbs element
      Time element
      Timer element
      Timestamp element
      Total element
      User element
      User group element
      Video element
      View level element
      YesNo element
      Youtube element
      Akismet validation
      Is Email validation
      Is Not validation
      Is Numeric validation
      Not empty validation
      PHP validation
      Rsa id
  • The Display element is used to display (normally) fixed text. It. It simply displays the element label (if set to show) and the "Default" text without any associated input field.



    Tip: If you need HTML formatted text in the label then go to Fabrik "Options" -> Forms and select 'yes' for the 'Use WYSIWYG editor for element labels' option (Attention: this will enable a WYSIWYG editor field for the labels of ALL Elements).

    • Default - The text to populate the element with. If the eval option is selected then this should contain a PHP statement. It's shown in new and in existing records (never pulled from the database).

      Caution: If the display field is part of a repeating group, Placeholders will not work as expected in evals. The placeholder will return an array with the values of all rows and not just the value of the current row.
      As an alternative the calc element may be used.
    • Eval - evaluate the default value as a PHP function. Element default examples
    • Show label - Should the form show the label as well as the display text

    Making the text translatable​

    To make text that appears in the Display element translatable:
    • enter your translation string into the DEFAULT box
    • Set EVAL to NO
    • enter your translation string and text into the Joomla language overrides area