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  • Groups are collections of elements present on a form and can be considered like the html <fieldset> element. Forms can contain multiple groups and an element must be assigned to a group to appear in the form.
    Groups can be "repeatable" (beside the group containing the id (=PK) element).

    The bootrap_tabs template will create a tab for each group.

    View Groups​


    Each group can be selected with the check box to the left of its name. Once selected it can be altered by clicking on the buttons in the top right hand corner:'

    • New - allows you to create a new group.
    • Edit - allows you to edit the group, note that you can also edit the group by clicking on its name.
    • Publish - sets the state of the group to published.
    • Unpublish - sets the state of the group to unpublished.
    • Check In - checks in the group.
    • Trash - trashes the group.
    • Options - links to the general Fabrik Options.
    • Help - links to the related Fabrik wiki article.
    Groups can be filtered by selecting an option from the 'Select form' drop down or searching in the 'Filter' field both of which appear at the top of the group list.

    For each group in the list you have a couple of links or fields shown:

    • Published - toggles the form's published state
    • Form - tells you which form the group has been assigned to
    • Number of elements - tells you the total number of Elements in the group, regardless of whether they are published.

    Add / Edit a Group​



    • ID - the groups id in the database.
    • Name - the internal reference to the group - this is not shown on the form.
    • Label - the group's label - this appears on the form at the top of the group.
    • Form - the form that the group belongs to.
    • Status - sets publication status.
    • Access - which view level can see the group. Note if the user doesn't have access to the group then the defaults for Elements within this group are not applied when a new record is saved.
    • Intro - allows you to add an introduction to your group (html allowed).
    • Outro - Add outro text to the bottom of the group


    Repeat groups are for storing data in related database tables.
    Each row of data in a repeat group is stored in a row in the repeat groups's own db table.
    So say I have a list countries, joined to a list regions and the regions group is set to repeating.
    Each region you enter in the countries form is store in its own row with a reference to its country id.
    The reference is defined by the fields you enter in the List Joins section.
    With repeatable groups, you can edit data from 2 db tables in one form.


    • Repeatable - when selected an add/delete button is added to the group, allowing you to duplicate the group's content. Each repeated group is stored in its own database row.
    • Template
      • List - display each repeating group one under the other
      • Table - display a HTML table, each group being a single table row.
    • Repeat max - The maximum number of repeats allowed for this group. If left empty then no maximum set.
    • Repeat min - The minium number of repeats for this group.
    • Add access - What user viewing level can see the add repeat group button
    • Delete access - What user viewing level can see the delete group button
    • Or use field - Select a userid field whose value must match the current logged in user to enable deleting
    • Copy values - When repeating the group - should the newly created Elements contain the source group element's values



    • Columns - the number of columns that the group will use to display its Elements
    • Column width - a comma separated list of Bootstrap grid widths. E.g. 1,2,2,1,1,3. Following the Bootstrap logic, the total must be 12 or below. Note that to use the full width of your columns the Bootstrap width of each element has to be set to 12. Leave blank to make all columns equal.
    • Show group- determine if, when and how the group is viewed when the form is loaded.
      • No
      • Yes
      • Yes but hidden
      • Detail view only
      • Only in form view
      • Hide if no usable Elements
      • Always show as read only
    • Randomise elements - randomise the order in which the Elements are shown in the group.



    Groups can also be used to split up your form into multi-page Forms. This is highly useful when you have large Forms, in breaking them down into more manageable sections.
    Attention: Using the bootstrap_tabs template is not compatible with setting Page breaks.
    • Page break - If yes selected then this group will become the start of a new page. Don't select yes for the first group in your form.