Tricky filtering records


Active Member

I need to do a tricky filtering in my list, based on one element (databasejoin). The thing is - I don't want to display one record based on the searched term only, but also five 'previous' and five 'next' records, based on the order of the dropdown list generated by databasejoin element.

Example: let's say my dropdown list consists of numbers from 1000 to 1500. If I choose 1200, I want my list to show records, which contain 1195, 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204 and 1205. It may look silly, but believe me, I have to see 'context' of every filtered record. Is it possible in the first place?


Not built-in.
You can try to use a php-events list plugin to modify a list filter
(little documentation, I only use the "OnQueryBuildWhere", but this is only ADDING conditions). Something like

if (count($f)==0) return;
if (in_array('220',$f['elementid']) ) //your dbjoin element was selected
//do ...
you can use a search form for selecting the dropdown and use a redirect with URL list filtering.
Not built-in.
You can try to use a php-events list plugin to modify a list filter
(little documentation, I only use the "OnQueryBuildWhere", but this is only ADDING conditions). Something like

if (count($f)==0) return;
if (in_array('220',$f['elementid']) ) //your dbjoin element was selected
//do ...
you can use a search form for selecting the dropdown and use a redirect with URL list filtering.

Please elaborate more, how do you add condition in "OnQueryBuildWhere"
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Thank you.

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