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Table #__fabrik_log' doesn't exist

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New Member
I was following instructions from https://github.com/joomlahenk/fabrik.

So, I've uploaded folders via ftp and installed through "discover" option. After enabling all plugins, my site crashed displaying message "Table '....#__fabrik_log' doesn't exist". Have I missed something?
Administration gives me the same error message too. Do you need any more details?

I tried to install plugin via Joomla installer, the popup throws me a message:

JInstaller: :Install: Can't find XML setup file.
Path does not have a valid package.
Unable to detect manifest file.

Kind regards
As I alread said:
If it's about Fabrik4 please use https://github.com/joomlahenk/fabrik/issues

Please read https://github.com/joomlahenk/fabrik/wiki/Tester-Instructions
and (if you are trying to upgrade a Fabrik3 site)
https://github.com/joomlahenk/fabrik/wiki/Upgrading-from-fabrik3.10-to-fabrik4, especially
In J!4 go to system-> manage -> extensions and only enable fabrik version 4.x plugins you need to use for your application. Leave all fabrik version 3.10 (or lower) extensions and plugins disabled, because they may not work, are not supported and may cause warnings or errors.

There's nothing to "Discover" in a new Fabrik4 installation.
Oh, these files are just for upgrade purposes only?

It's about Fabrik3. I'm trying to do a fresh installation on Joomla 3 website but I can't download plugin instalation from your website, I can't login anymore, password reset email doesn't come, registration e-mail doesn't come, I don't know why. Do you have any solution?

Oh, these files are just for upgrade purposes only?
https://github.com/joomlahenk/fabrik is meant for Fabrik 4 (for Joomla 4) only, as per Wiki and instructions there.

It's about Fabrik3. I'm trying to do a fresh installation on Joomla 3 website but I can't download plugin instalation from your website, I can't login anymore, password reset email doesn't come, registration e-mail doesn't come, I don't know why. Do you have any solution?
Yes, since a while there's an issue with registration and approval of new accounts on fabrikar.com and, hence, downloads of Fabrik 3.
Workaround: I've just downloaded the Fabrik 3 core install package, and next I'll be sending you a link per private message {"conversation") here, with which you'll be able to get it from my Google Drive.

For updates and more plugins of Fabrik 3 please follow the Wiki under http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/update-from-github/ as usual.
Thank you very much sir!

But I have one problem with deleting records, I'm receiving error "Invalid controller: name='list', format='html' ", any ideas why is this happening? Or should I open new thread?

Yeah I tried to enable ajaxify, It no longer throws me an error, but now it gets stuck on loading.
Deleting through the administration works without problems, but it gets stuck through the frontend.


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Which exact Fabrik version? Which exact php version? Which Joomla template?

JS error will break ajax calls. Where are widget_app.js and parser.js coming from?
Did you try with Joomla's original Protostar template?
Also, having error reporting set to anything but none can break ajax calls. Check your browser debug console for javascript errors.
I solved the problem in the meantime, Admintools caused problems, I just made "com_fabrik" exception in Admintools.
Thank you anyway!

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