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Recent content by Kordian

  1. K

    PLG_FABRIK_SYSTEM_AUTOLOAD_MISSING after installing Fabrik4

    After deleting and refreshing I still have the library in the list, but now without version number. The same goes for Fabrik Base Package. Also on the list, without version. The version 4.0 of both present in the list.
  2. K

    PLG_FABRIK_SYSTEM_AUTOLOAD_MISSING after installing Fabrik4

    Where is the Fabrik for Joomsocial 3.10 folder?
  3. K

    PLG_FABRIK_SYSTEM_AUTOLOAD_MISSING after installing Fabrik4

    Rebuilt. Only 4xxxx.sql files present.
  4. K

    PLG_FABRIK_SYSTEM_AUTOLOAD_MISSING after installing Fabrik4

    Thank you, it helped. However my system is still discovering "updates" (extensions-discovery) for Fabrik 3.10 (17 in total, plus one 1.0.0 and one 4Zeta). I disabled the Fabrik3 update site, actually it is gone now, but still 3.10 updates are being discovered. Otherwise it is working, thank you!
  5. K

    PLG_FABRIK_SYSTEM_AUTOLOAD_MISSING after installing Fabrik4

    Well, how to reinstall with no access to backend? There are two versions of the Fabrik Library present: beta and Zeta (originally before upgrade to f4)
  6. K

    PLG_FABRIK_SYSTEM_AUTOLOAD_MISSING after installing Fabrik4

    Hello, After installing Fabrik4 on J5.0.3 (or rather upgrading from 4Zeta) everything was ok, but found Fabrik Library 4.0beta4b in plugins. Disabled it, was fine and the Fabrik Library 4.0 was there. Decided to uninstall the Library 4.0beta4b and then the error...
  7. K

    Fabrik 4 Epsilon yesno element calculation error?

    Thank you. Does it mean that it will be corrected? or am I supposed to post it somewhere?
  8. K

    Fabrik 4 Epsilon yesno element calculation error?

    Hello, When I do yesno element calculation, by enabling "count" and setting "split on" the exact element, the calculation at the bottom of the table displays number of "yes" occurances only if there ara no "no" occurances. If there are any "no" occurances, the calculation displays only those...
  9. K

    Email form plugin no mail from example php

    Thank you very much, selecting _raw table did the trick.
  10. K

    Email form plugin no mail from example php

    Hello, You have this as an example of email recipient for the email form plugin on your page: $myId = $this->data['yourtable___youruser']; $myId = is_array($myId) ? $myId[0] : $myId; if (!empty($myId)) { $myUser = JFactory::getUser((int)$myId); return $myUser->get('email'); } return ''...
  11. K

    Errors when creating "New element"

    Hi, I have fabrik 3.9.2 When I try to create new element, these errors show up: Warning: Declaration of plgFabrik_ElementKaltura::renderListData($data, &$thisRow) should be compatible with PlgFabrik_Element::renderListData($data, stdClass &$thisRow, $opts = Array) in...
  12. K

    Call to undefined method Fabrik\Helpers\Worker::inAJAXValidation() after update

    Well, all lists use admin template. When I switch to default, they are working fine.
  13. K

    Call to undefined method Fabrik\Helpers\Worker::inAJAXValidation() after update

    OK, I added the entry manually. The installation was succesfull. Now when viewing any list, this error appears: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string /components/com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl/admin/default_buttons.php:36
  14. K

    Call to undefined method Fabrik\Helpers\Worker::inAJAXValidation() after update

    No, I haven't got it. The extension_id of com_fabrik is 10128, the _schemas does not have such entry number.
  15. K

    Call to undefined method Fabrik\Helpers\Worker::inAJAXValidation() after update

    OK, now it is there. Deleted, tried again, this time a new error: ALTER TABLE `#__fabrik_joins` CHANGE `table_id` `list_id` INT( 6 ) NOT NULL; Number 1054