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  1. A

    Rev 388: Export CVS from the administration exports only 1 record.

    Rev 388, on a generated table with no joins and 800 records, the export to cvs link in the administration side when viewing database exports only the first record. No table filters. Also a quick note: CVS is a code repository or a typo and CSV is comma separated values. The link says CVS...
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    Rev 388: Administration mode shows only one page for an 800 record table.

    When viewing database from a generated table that contains 800 records in administration mode, the pagination shows the default 1-30 records and says "Pg 1 of 1". Selecting 50 from the dropdown refreshes the table and shows 50 records, and yet still 1 of 1. I know there are 800 records in the...
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    Rev 358: Weird form submit goes to Alter Table??!?

    Created a table in mySql, generated a Fabrik table from it, had $fbConf_alter_existing_db_cols = '0'; All worked up until in the Fabrik Administration when I went to add a record and I got the following error in the administration (Looks like it hit a die statement) . Duplicate column name...
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    Join element functionality question

    I want to the equivalent of a pre-filter for the table join element type, where the results of the dropdown are based on your current joomla user id. The Where clause portion doesn't support eval code, so that makes it nearly impossible to do some tasks, such as a lookup on a three table...
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    Rev 351: Menu Link notices and ismodule variable notices

    [Wed Oct 24 04:05:50 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant _MENU_LINK - assumed '_MENU_LINK' in /var/www/html/administrator/components/com_fabrik/admin.fabrik.tables.php on line 151, referer...
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    Rev 319: Errors on element access

    Steps to reproduce: Create a table from an existing table, then edit an element You get the following error when opening an element (In this case an int(10) record) [Thu Oct 18 00:34:08 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: joinTypeDd in...
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    Rev 319: Element displaying email address = conflict with email cloaking mambot

    When you have an element who's publishing does not allow access, but only read only access for the user, the form displays a partially linked email address with javascript displayed. This is a result of Email Cloaking (A javascript mambot which modifies the content output of your pages), and the...
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    Rev 318: Missing file: Slimbox

    Uninstalled Fabrik, and deleted all Fabrik dirs. Installed latest SVN using package script from wiki. (Grabs all com_fabrik and administrator/com_fabrik dirs) Is this file in the fabrik.xml file? [Wed Oct 17 06:32:56 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: state in...
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    [SOLVED] Rev 351: Table Join element type is missing join field information

    Steps to reproduce: Uninstalled Fabrik Installed Fabrik rev 318 Created a new fabrik table from an existing database table. Went to change an element type to Database join, set the database and the type, and the table. Missing input boxes for: Table's Foreign Key Column Table's Foreign Value...
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    Rev 318: fabrik tables stranded on uninstall

    Not all Fabrik tables are removed on an uninstall, I was left with: jos_fabrik_formdata_2 and jos_fabrik_settings which for consistency should be removed as well. Andre
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    Rev 296: Pre-filters don't seem to be working with joined table.

    Table with a left join to another table ignores pre-filters. Checked the query with fabrikdebug=1, and there were no pre-filters created. This is the same table that has the save problems: Database Version...
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    Rev 288: Process Curl Script as soon as form submitted doesn't call curl block

    Code in the curl section of a form doesn't execute if option 'As soon as form submitted doesn't call curl block' is selected. Changing the option to "After Fabrik has processed the form" works fine. Andre
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    [SOLVED] Rev 288: _RIGHTS_TO_EDIT_ONLY Message displayed on top of form

    '_RIGHTS_TO_EDIT_ONLY' is displayed on top of the form when rendered as a bot, when taken to an edit only version. Expected: No message displayed to user.
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    [SOLVED] Rev 275: Call to undefined function: htmlspecialchars_decode()

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: htmlspecialchars_decode() in /home/toastmas/public_html/cms/components/com_fabrik/fabrik.class.php on line 802 Database Version: 5.0.24 PHP Version: 4.4.1 Web Server: Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) mod_log_bytes/0.3 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.22...
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    [SOLVED] rev 275: Database Join Element doesn't render in read only access

    When you have a Database Join Element set to access:none and read-only access to public, the database join element only shows the primary key, not the 'Table's Foreign Value Column'. It displays correctly for table views and cvs export, just not read only access. Database Version: 5.0.24 PHP...
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    [SOLVED] Rev 285: Mambots with different templates re-use the same stylesheet.

    When using two table mambots with different table templates, the correct template is used per mambot but only one mambot's css is evaluated. Looks like it's the last mambot on the page.
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    How is the template javascript called in a table?

    I don't see the javascript being called by the template or any of the javascript files. Just wondering how the default javascript for a table is called. For instance in the bluesky table template folder there is a file called bluesky.js - should this file reflect the name of the folder it's in...
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    Rev 285: Joined tables do not store records to database.

    Table one has a join to table two. In prior versions when table one had data and table two didn't and you selected edit, adding information to the joined table's elements stored those elements in a new record. Current versions fail with the PHP notice: [Sat Oct 06 00:32:14 2007] [error] [client...
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    [SOLVED] Rev 285: Table filters don't apply pre-filters

    When using a table which has table filters on for an element, the drop downs on the table for filtering contain all records in the set regardless of pre-filters. This is very confusing especially when you have a loaded system and each dropdown can contain thousands of names not pertinant to the...
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    Rev 285: When an search dropdown is selected get page does not exist

    When creating elements That have the "Create Table Filter" in the table settings tab selected and drop-down listed, the table view now shows a dropdown for that column. However selecting a value from it cuases a page submit to a non existing page. Page From...
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