• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

Search results

  1. M

    GitHub 3063-448 filelupload issue on J2.5.7

    Hi all, I upgrade with github 3.0.63-448 on the J2.5.7. framework. Since this upgrade, pages including a cascadingdropdown field and a fileupload (ajax) field is not working properly. In fact, fileupload widget is not edited and replaced by the famous :mad: "Opps. Still on dinosaur technology...
  2. M

    Update disable after upgrating to

    After upgrating from 3.0.6 to via GitHub I can no longer update Lists and Forms. Groups and elements may be created, updated and/or copied, whatever. I'm using J2.5. May somebody help me. Unfortunately I'm running in localhost.
  3. M

    AJAX not defined

    Hi, I try to use the call to a PHP function under AJAX method. The goal is to update a text field based on the selection in a dropdown field. To update the text field, request is to be made into the db and calculation has to be executed based on the parameters obtained from the Db. A take a...
  4. M

    IBAN validation plugin

    Hi all, does someone develop and/or use IBAN plugin for Fabrik 3.x ? If yes, could please let me know how to pick it up ? Thanks a lot.