• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

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    See the details here

Search results

  1. L

    Calculate a repeatable item [SOLVED]

    Hi Guys, Sorry in advance for this Im sure its obvious but Im just not getting it! Please could you give me the syntax to put into a calc element that does this: return the sum of {database_name_reapeat} when the parent id is the same? So add up however many amounts with same parent id...
  2. L

    Calc element woes [SOLVED]

    Hi All, Id really appreciate any advice, banging my head a bit here! So what I have is a group with two checkbox elements in, multiple checkboxes. what I want it to do is count how many checkboxes are checked. I have managed this with all ajax cal and calc on load set to yes. If I do not use...
  3. L

    AJAX uploads in a repeatable group

    Hey Guys, hunting round the forums I see many people have had this problem but I cant find the actual fix, does anyone know how to get multiple files uploaded into a field in a repeatable group?
  4. L

    Fileupload on windows 8 tablet

    Hi guys, has anyone managed to achieve this? I've mucked about with a few things in here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20471561/capturing-images-in-web-application-on-windows-8-1-tablets But no joy :( Any help or ideas would be appreciated
  5. L

    Email Eval Complex, Help appreciated

    Hello lovely Fabrik community! I come with my hat in my hands begging, I'm so lost I dont know what to do! I have two tables the second one is from a repeat group of the same form. What I would like to do is when a user submits a form or edits it, it sends out an email to some field elements...