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  1. K

    Adding relation changes column type

    I'm accessing data from a CRM system that uses CHAR(36) for the id column. Mostly, this isn't a problem, but when I relate data, Fabrik changes the id field of my primary table to INT, which, needless to say, completely destroys the existing ids. Any ideas how to fix?
  2. K

    Multiple Databases

    I'm noticing that trying to join information from multiple databases breaks because of the queries Fabrik is using. It seems they could be solved by "simply" prepending `dbname`. to the beginning of every table name when Fabrik does something with one. Anyone have any idea where in the code this...
  3. K

    [FIX] Can't Create Form Without Selecting Group

    I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but just figured I'd post my solution. You'd think, if you select "Create a group with the same name as this form" when creating a form, that you wouldn't be required to then select a group, especially since the word "Or" is in there, but due to a...
  4. K

    Render Form Style of an Element?

    Does anyone know of a way to render the form style of an element on a random page, such as the details page for a record, or any other page for that matter? Also, does anyone know of a way to manipulate elements directly via code (Load element of specific form, set element value, save element)...
  5. K

    New (?) AJAX based file upload bugs

    1) When trying to download a file using the download script, getFullPath gets an object from the database, not a string, therefore the preg_match errors. This can be fixed with if (is_object($filepath)) { $filepath=$filepath->file; } before the preg_match 2) When not obfuscating the...
  6. K

    Reseting filters doesn't work

    When someone looks at the details of a company in my system, it shows a list of projects associated to that company using a content plugin placeholder that filters by the company field of projects. It also has "resetfilters=1" set on it. There's a link in my side menu to "View Projects" which...
  7. K

    Adding group to form causes new elements to be created

    I made a group, originally it was supposed to be a part of a bigger form, but I decided it'd be better as its own form. I created the new form and applied it to that form, and it adds the id and datetime elements to that group. The problem is that also duplicates every other element, creating a...
  8. K

    Embed form in details template of other form and auto-populate parent field?

    I have a custom template for the details of my "Projects" view and would like to embed my "Project Files" form into it, so that files can be added to that project, but I can find a way to automatically assign the "parent" element (a hidden databasejoin to the Projects table) to the Project I'm...
  9. K

    Fileupload in repeatable group not working

    I have a form called "Project" and for each project, someone needs to be able to upload a variable number of files, so I created a repeatable group "Project Files" and put a fileupload element for the file and a field element for a description. It appears to function correctly from the client...
  10. K

    How can I get rid of validation popups?

    I don't want them. They're buggy and they're ugly and they don't fit my project. I don't care about fixing the bugs with them, I just want them gone. But I can't find any way to get rid of them. Anyone know?
  11. K

    Reset Filters menu option does not work

    I have a details view that includes a list filtered by the rowid of the details page. No problem. In this case, it's a list of the projects a company has associated with them. I also have a menu item of "View Projects" that's supposed to show a list of all projects, however, even though I have...
  12. K

    How to assign template to repeatable group?

    I have a huge form that has many repeatable groups in it. For most of them, the default table structure works fine, however, some others have 12+ fields that need to be filled out. The standard table form obviously won't work well with this many elements, and the list view seems bad for...
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