• Holiday Schedule

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    See the details here

Search results

  1. J

    Form -- how to reject an entry with duplicated element values

    Hi, Is it possible to reject a record being saved if one of the elements' value is duplicated with existing Fabrik From linked database table? For example to reject a record if element "contact number" is duplicated with existing database records?
  2. J

    google crawl error - Incorrect list id

    Hi, I built a site http://free.itutor.sg/ which was working fine with the help from Fabrik, credit to Fabrikar.com but I received below Google Crawl error recently 500 Incorrect list id I believe it's referring to an Advance Search...
  3. J

    googlemap location not displayed for users

    Hi, I create an element using plug-in "googlemap". It used well in a Form and was able to be saved. But in a List the googlemap is not able to show. Please refer to this link http://free.itutor.sg/fb-tutors/details/1/13 How I do set this up correctly?
  4. J

    Positioning -- List Adanced Search pop-up screen

    Hi, I refer to this link http://demo2.itutor.sg/index.php/fb-tutors If click on "Advanced search", the popup screen (for advance search) goes to top-left corner. The issues are: 1. it goes to the very left side of the screen that I can't see "Element" field (and "Apply" / "Clear filters"...
  5. J

    Show List element image as photo

    Hi, I managed to define a Form element as image and a photo file was uploaded. When using List to show the image element, it came out as a link to the photo. Can I show photo directly in the List instead of a link to the photo?
  6. J

    From and List frontend -- remove Introduction and Footer

    Hi, Now Fabrik Form and List work great (check my earlier post), I find their frontend display take large space for Introduction and Foot, although these are blank in my cases. How do I remove them from frontend? My coding skills are bad, if not zero, but i'm willing to learn...
  7. J

    use Form and List together

    Hi, I'm very new to Fabrik... 1. I created my own Login Form (using Fabrik with additional fields), brought it to frontend, and disabled Joomla login form. It works great! Public users can create their accounts from frontend. 2. Fabrik automatically created Login List after I saved the...